Program areas at CCNO
Low-income programs: Every year, many Northeast Oregon residents struggle to make ends meet and rely on Community Connection's services to help meet their basic human needs. In addition to direct assistance to clients, we are also the Regional Food Bank for our four-county area. As such, we distribute food to nineteen food pantries and several Harvest Share and Fresh Alliance sites. We also replace unsafe furnaces, weatherize homes, and rehabilitate homes to improve living conditions and address structural concerns. In Fiscal Year 2024, thousands of people stayed warm and safe with heating assistance; we helped people, whether housed or homeless, with security deposits, rent and utility payments, motel lodging, meals, tents, sleeping bags, socks and transportation; food boxes and produce pickups eased families hunger; and people received home repair and energy efficiency information resulting in homes being improved.
Senior programs: Helping seniors live independently in their homes while providing opportunities for socialization and access to services remains the primary goal of our senior programs. When a senior citizen or their family member seeks answers, we are usually the first place they turn. Just a few hours of assistance per week often makes the difference between living independently and a move to a care facility. Seniors received 36 phone calls to check on their health and well-being; 1913 seniors and 295 volunteers and people under the age of sixty enjoyed 44,963 meals from our senior centers; 550 seniors had 68,653 meals delivered to their homes; 100 frail seniors were helped with 23,971 professional caregiver hours; 34 family caregivers received 653 hours of respite relief; 3 seniors and their families recieved guidance on addressing immediate needs and planning for the future; and 6,070 recreational activities such as dances, card games, billiards, and exercise classes brought together 542 people.
Transportation programs: Throughout FY24, Community Connection continued its multi-faceted transportation system. The deviated fixed route systems in Baker, Union, and Wallowa County are open to everyone as well as the Dial-A-Ride busses in Baker and Wallowa Couties. Also available for all riders are the Intercity busses from Baker City and Enterprise to our multi-modal hub in La Grande. Beyond our region, passengers travel to medical appointments in Boise, Wallowa, and Portland are common occurrences.