Program areas at CFTB
Grants to organizationsthe Foundation's primary program is to administer endowments and donor advised funds. To accomplish this, the Foundation receives contributions to be used exclusively for grants for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes primarily in, and for the benefit of, the Community of Tampa Bay.
Critical needs listto address unexpected needs in the Community, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay has created the critical needs list for nonprofits to share urgent and unexpected needs with Community philanthropists. A critical need is defined as unbudgeted, unforeseen, and time-sensitive, and one that significantly interferes with a nonprofit's ability to provide crucial services or presents an imminent threat to the organization's continued operations.
Cultivating and supporting cross sector networksusing the power of stanford's collective impact model, cross-sector networks build high-trust relationships among partners in government, business, philanthropy, and education. These networks are laser-focused on implementing systems change to address complex social issues. Seven years ago, the Foundation was asked to take an active role in administering and facilitating a cross-sector network focused on addressing the low degree attainment rate in Tampa Bay. As a result of leap's success, the Foundation has served as a network partner in additional networks. These include spark pasco hernando, addressing college attainment and workforce education; thrive by five addressing early childhood development and education; and digital inclusion addressing digital literacy.