Program areas at Community Foundation of Wabash County
The Community Foundation accepts grant applications from area organizations two times a year and at its discretion without advice or recommendations from a donor, or any persons designated by the donor(s), awards grants for charitable purposes which enrich life in Wabash County by responding to emerging and changing needs and by sustaining existing organizations and institutions in support of arts and culture, Community and civic development, health and human services, education, recreation, and the environment.
The Community Foundation grants to specified public charities as named by donors of designated endowments. Designated endowments provide financial support in perpetuity to organizations whose missions include the advancement of health and human services, education, fitness and recreation, arts and culture, Community and civic development, and the environment.
The Community Foundation provides grants to individuals in the form of scholarships. We also provide assistance to individuals for basic needs during a time of financial crisis brought on by a medical condition. The Community Foundation also makes grants from field of interest endowments, which provide support for specified charitable purposes. Grants are made with and without advice or recommendations from the donor or any person designated by the donor.
Promise scholarships are awarded to help students pay for a college or career education after high school. Promise scholarships are earned in grades 4 through 8 through in-school classroom achievements and regular savings. Scholarships are awarded to a student's early award scholarship fund, which is administered by the Community Foundation.