Program areas at Community Health Action of Staten Island
Substance use disorder services: our substance use disorder services department serves individuals and their families who are dealing with substance abuse on the continuum from active users to those actively in recovery. We manage a 24/7 resource and recovery center that hosts programs for people at various stages of recovery and works closely on call with the local precincts and the da's office in a criminal justice diversion program for low level drug offenses and with a local hospital emergency room in a non-fatal overdose intervention program. And our harm reduction program provides active users with narcan training, clean syringes, support groups and information and medication assisted treatment options.
Health care coordination - chasi provides case management services to medicaid beneficiaries with chronic conditions and assists them with engagement, retention and adherence in regular care. Chasi's Health home program is a long term program for clients with two or more conditions. Chasi's hiv care coordination program provides direct services for people with hiv and aids including education, case management and intensive care coordination, including escorts to the doctor and directly observed therapy. Chasi also has a program for people with hiv/aids that are undocumented providing educational groups, peer support and case management. Focusing on hiv+ individuals not eligible for medicaid, chasi provides a multitude of services to those in the Community or incarcerated to improve Health outcomes for people living with or at risk for hiv infection. Chasi's alternatives to incarceration is a diversion program that provides case management services to individuals with behavioral Health treatment needs. An individual who has contact with the legal system such as an arrest accepts the offer of program services from the court system. Participants receive supportive services with an emphasis on access to mental Health and/or substance use treatment in the Community instead of a jail or prison sentence.
Prevention and equity programs are a broad range of services addressing Health disparities, including testing, education, prevention and access to care for people at risk for hiv/hcv, hypertension & diabetes as well as domestic violence both in our offices and in Community settings. Hiv services: chasi has a broad array of hiv/hcv/sti prevention. We have multiple prevention programs specializing in a variety of high risk target populations, including: women of color, men who have sex with men, people in prison and injection drug users. These programs do outreach into the Community and provide education, testing, information about pep and prep and linkage to medical care. The domestic violence intervention program, located in our offices and on site at the Staten Island family justice center, counselors help victims with the legal process, emergency housing, transportation, safety planning, and trauma-informed counseling and case planning. Chasi's Health equity team is dedicated to reducing the impact of social factors like racism and inequality on Health outcomes. Offering free Health screenings, our outreach is focused in places where we gather with neighbors to talk about the importance of routine screenings, like barbershops, Community centers, and housing developments.
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