Program areas at Community Health Network Foundation
Community Health Network Foundation, Inc. ("chf") provides millions annually in operational and capital philanthropic dollars raised from benevolent donors to help Community Health Network ("chnw") fulfill its mission of building healthier communities. Through its allocation of funds, chf addresses need in challenging areas of healthcare including behavioral care, cardiovascular, oncology, tobacco cessation, women's and children's care, and others. The cutting-edge grail galleri test accurately detects multiple types of cancers not otherwise detectable by existing screens, through a single blood draw. The Community connections program closes the gap between clinical and community-based services that affect underserved populations. Patient and caregiver assistance programs provide transportation solutions to deliver patients for care across the Network through uber Health and our mabel's ride program, housing and family connections programs at Community fairbanks recovery center, and Health screenings at the black and minority Health fair. Chf supports the choice program, leading the state in addressing the opioid crisis among pregnant women and their infants. Youth bereavement programs reach students who have suffered a loss of a family member. In schools, chf supports nursing care for over a million students, and behavioral care for a quarter million children. Additionally, chf funds initiatives in chaplaincy services, reduces heart failure readmission rates through nutritional supports and blood pressure monitoring, and protects newborns with car seats, and through the babe store, incentivizing infant care with free supplies.
Chf annually awards scholarships to nurses and other professionals employed by chnw to grow the capabilities of chnw's workforce as they pursue certifications, and associate, bachelor, or master's degrees. Community's newest scholarship fund is the african american legacy fund, intended to propel african american colleagues in the direction of their professional ambitions.