EIN 13-3627750

Community Housing Innovations (CHI)

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Community Housing Innovations, provides the housing and human services that enable low- and moderate-income families and individuals to achieve the greatest social and economic independence at the lowest cost to society.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at CHI

Suffolk county department of social services, nassau county department of social services, orange county department of social services, dutchess county department of social services, office of mental health, nyc department of homeless services, and nyc human resource administration. Through the suffolk county department of social services, chi operated ny state tier ii certified, 8 congregate supervised singles residence (sess), one which is certified tier i by nys, and 2 supervised adult shelters, with a concentrated population on adult families. Sess have staff available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Through on-site case management and referrals to Community services, the homeless persons are assisted in becoming personally and economically self-sufficient. The search for permanent Housing is the primary goal for all shelter residents and chi promotes and assists them with the Housing search. Parents, single individuals, and children are provided with a safe home and access to educational, vocational, employment and other Community services based upon the goals they set for themselves. This also includes referrals to resources for those with mental illnesses, histories of substance abuse, physical disabilities, and other specialized needs. Chi has implemented a tutoring initiative for parents working towards a ged as well as homework tutoring for children. With consistent intensive case management and supervision by highly qualified social workers and other staff, shelter residents are helped to secure permanent Housing or other appropriate residence if they are determined to have special needs. Parents are counseled and children are encouraged to attend school and complete homework. At the family shelter locations, childcare and recreation are provided to support the children and their families. Summer camps and field trip opportunities enhance the recreational experience. Workshops are frequently provided offering guidance in areas such as nutrition, budgeting, and parenting. The services provided during the shelter stay are designed to assist participants with finding and retaining appropriate permanent Housing. Chi also operates smaller but similar services in dutchess, orange, and nassau counties: 1 emergency family shelter in both orange and dutchess county, 1 emergency Housing shelter for single men in both orange and dutchess county, 1 emergency short term shelter for single men on parole in dutchess county, 1 mixed use facility (combined transitional and permanent Housing) in orange county, and 1 single male emergency Housing shelter in nassau county. A second single male emergency Housing shelter in nassau county was transitioned from families to a single male population in 2020. 717 people including 151 families and 269 singles were assisted by chi social service programs in dutchess, orange, and nassau counties. Dutchess county served: 296 individuals, composed of 86 singles and 72 families vanderbilt: 72 families, 210 people - 22 families moved to permanent Housing rose st.: 40 men - 6 moved to permanent Housing north hamilton: 46 men - 6 moved to permanent Housing orange county served: 308 people in 134 single and 51 family households 44 grand: 134 men were housed. 32 moved to permanent Housing. 9w: 45 families, 151 people were housed - 12 families moved to permanent Housing. Port jervis: 6 families, 23 people. 2 families moved to permanent Housing. Nassau county served: 113 individuals including 28 families. Jerusalem ave: 49 single males, 5 singles moved to permanent Housing cornell st.: served 28 families, 64 people - 3 moved to permanent Housing through the city of new york department of homeless services, chi operates 2 emergency Housing programs - one for homeless migrant families and one for homeless single men. Under the program for migrant families, chi operates 6 hotels located in manhattan and brooklyn with total room capacity of 491 that serves over 380 households consisting of over 1,300 individuals daily. These sites are staffed 24/7 plus contracted security, including a social service team to provide case management, benefits advocacy, linkages to healthcare, mental health services, and community-based organizations, on-site recreational activities for youth and children, independent living skills development workshops, legal support for asylum and immigration issues, and assistance with finding and moving to permanent Housing. The site is also staffed with translators as most residents speak spanish only; and a liaison from the department of education to assist school-age children with enrollment, transportation, and other education-related needs. Chi provides 3 meals a day, transportation assistance, and laundry services for personal items.under the program for single men, chi operates 2 hotels and 1 congregate setting facility with total bed capacity of 484 to serve 484 single men daily. Chi embraces a Housing first model, and all services are designed to facilitate shelter exit into permanent Housing. These sites are staffed 24/7 plus contracted security, including social service teams to provide case management, rehousing assistance, employment assistance, benefits advocacy, linkages with healthcare, mental health services, substance use management and care services, employment services, and community-based organizations that support their daily living needs and their path to independent living. Chi staff organize onsite activities and workshops around Housing, employment, healthcare, and general recreation. Chi provides 3 meals a day, transportation assistance, and funds for personal laundry. Through the city of new york department of human resources administration, chi operates an affordable permanent Housing program under the master lease model. The program, located in the bronx, consists of 81 apartments, and provides onsite property management and support services. Chi as the master lease holder accepts referrals from the city of new york department of homeless services and enters one year subleases with them, coordinates repair and maintenance services, and collects rent from tenants and rent subsidies from issuing agencies. Chi's onsite case management team provides Housing stability support and services including rent payment tools and assistance, lease renewal assistance, benefits advocacy, conflict mediation, financial literacy and budget management workshops, and linkages to community-based services for healthcare, employment, and other independent living support.
Chi has two nys omh funded supported Housing programs in westchester county. In 2023, the modern served a total of 21 people in 22 beds of permanent supportive Housing with operating funding from omh. Three people left the program. None moved in. The 2022 nys omh contract totaled $449,765.in 2023, the mayfair apartments esshi program housed 22 people in 20 units of Housing. The units are for homeless single adults with a disability over the age of 62. Five people left the program. Four new tenants moved in. The 2023 nys omh contract totaled $515,832.
In westchester county, chi's emergency Housing apartment program (ehap) provides scattered-site temporary Housing in traditional apartments. The ehap program went to rfp in late 2022. Chi was awarded a $2,473,350 contract to provide up to 66 units of emergency Housing units (ehus) located in mt. Vernon and new rochelle rental buildings. The contract is for one year with four one-year renewals. Dss's case management unit does the full family holistic case management to work with the families in the ehap regarding their needs (academic, vocational, mental health, treatment, etc.). Chi ehap staff are Housing specialists who focus specifically on assisting families to secure permanent Housing. They assess the family's Housing needs and budget, teach family members how to maintain the units, to self-advocate with the building superintendent, and provide critical skills needed as they seek permanent Housing. They call and advocate for the clients with landlords, do role-playing with families for Housing interviews, assist in obtaining necessary documents to obtain Housing and moves, meet with landlords, and conduct Housing quality standard reviews of ehus and permanent Housing units. A chi maintenance technician fulfills unit maintenance repair requests, cleans, and prepares units for re-occupancy, sets up furniture, assesses building needs, and coordinates with service staff. A chi operations director orders furniture, manages the maintenance technician, and collaborates with property owners. Ehap program in 2023: o 59 households with 157 people (63 adults, 94 kids) were provided transitional Housing with an average length of stay of 441 days. O 32 move ins (4 moved out during year) o 17 moved out to Housing. (44 people) with an average length of stay 507 days o 2 returned to shelter o 8 vacancies on 12/31rental supplement program (rsp)rental supplement program (rsp) provides rental supplements to individuals and families, both with and without children who are experiencing homelessness or are facing imminent loss of Housing, regardless of immigration status. Eligibility for chi's rental supplement program will be limited to those individuals making no more than 50% mfi. Referrals come from the local dss and the coc.in september 2022, wcdss awarded chi the rsp. The second (23/24) and third (24/25) contract renewals were held flat for the one year between september 1 - march 31 with 87% of the $3,029,533 budget allocated for direct rental subsidies. On 3/30/24, 80 households were participating in the wc rsp.in 2024, chi was also awarded a rsp contract in suffolk and nassau counties. Suffolk county rsp contract, which totals $118,249, has a priority for homeless single people with income or on disability. The nassau county rsp totals $304,243 and focuses on families with young children.
Chi operates other smaller programs to help low to moderate income individuals and families. For many years chi has offered a variety of services for homeowners. Chi helps both first-time homebuyers and current homeowners facing delinquency & foreclosure. Foreclosure clients benefitted from a short-term financial assistance program chi offered, funded by westchester county. Additionally, chi offered a westchester county-funded financial literacy training program; chi held sessions aimed at current shelter residents.homeownership & foreclosure prevention counseling served 1,585 people.- provided homebuyer counseling to 304 individuals - provided the e-home online course to 247 individuals - provided orientations to 915 people - enabled the purchase of 10 homes with down payment and rehabilitation assistance grants - enabled the purchaseof 207 homes through education, counseling, and grant assistance - provided foreclosure prevention counseling to187 households & secured 23 loan modifications - provided financial literacy counseling to 12 individuals

Who funds Community Housing Innovations (CHI)

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Webster Bank Charitable FoundationProgram Support and 1st Time Homebuyer Webinar$10,000
Field Hall FoundationTo Launch A Site-Based Food Pantry at A Senior Housing Complex$5,000

Personnel at CHI

Nikia Cousins-HughesVice President of Operations$116,781
Debbie AndersonVice President of Housing , Westchester and Hudson Valley
Nicole FalkmanVice President of Housing , Long Island$129,209
Deborah AndersonVice President of HV Programs$136,776
Alexander H. RobertsBoard Member$0
...and 12 more key personnel

Financials for CHI

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$3,467,059
Program services$86,695,117
Investment income and dividends$156,834
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$240,888
Net income from fundraising events$242,486
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$12,302
Total revenues$90,814,686

Form 990s for CHI

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-07-02990View PDF
2022-122023-08-01990View PDF
2021-122022-08-02990View PDF
2020-122021-10-29990View PDF
2019-122021-03-01990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s
Data update history
December 27, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $10,000 from Webster Bank Charitable Foundation
September 24, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 2 new personnel
August 28, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
August 27, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
August 25, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
Nonprofit Types
Housing and shelter organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizationsCharities
Human servicesHousingHomelessness
Fundraising eventsReceives government fundingGala fundraisersTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
75 S Broadway 340
White Plains, NY 10601
Metro area
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
Westchester County, NY
Website URL
(914) 683-1010
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
L20: Housing Development, Construction, Management
NAICS code, primary
62422: Community Housing Services
Parent/child status
Central organization
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