Program areas at CIP
Family supports - Accord's family support services is a waiver-funded program with a goal to increase independence and community connections for individuals with disabilities. Accord offers four types of family supports: individualized home supports without training, in-home and out-of-home respite care, homemaker services, and night supervision. Individuals choose the staff who support them. Accord continued to provide quality support to families and employees, offered remote services when applicable, and provided employees and families access to contactless support throughout 2023. Accord is a top provider of family supports, and served 186 families and their 339 employees in 2023.
Employment and day services - Accord's employment program offers customized support for people with disabilities that includes exploration, development, and on-the-job support. Our services encompass what each individual needs to be successful, from the job search to other details such as transportation, time off needs, training, workplace communication, and finding natural supports to help them be successful on the job. Accord's employment first model focuses on helping individuals explore, find, and keep competitive, community employment. In addition, Accord recognizes that individuals need additional support to help them navigate relationships and integrate into their community. Our day support program helps people build these skills and experience meaningful community activities. In 2023, we supported 237 individuals with employment needs and 131 individuals in our day supports program.
Case management - Accord's contracted case management program provides support services for individuals who qualify for a variety of waiver programs: developmental disabilities (dd), community alternatives for disabled individuals (cadi), consumer-directed community supports (cdcs), brian injury (bi), elderly waiver (ew), rule 185, and vulnerable adult/development disability (va/dd) services. We contract directly with anoka, dakota, hennepin, and Washington counties to provide these services. Case managers work with individuals and teams to complete assessments, implement person-centered support plans, arrange for and monitor waiver-eligible services, and consult and advocate with and on behalf of individuals. In 2023, Accord's case management team balanced both in-person and virtual visits to give people greater choice and greater access for the 2426 people supported.
Residential services - provides residential services to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and/or mental health issues in hennepin and pine counties, focused on encouraging and supporting individuals to become active in their community. Training and support is provided to develop community living skills, participate in recreation and leisure opportunities, and build relationships with members of their neighborhoods. This program ended in 2022.
Community services - community support services at Accord include a range of programs aimed at helping people engage in their community, build skills, and access resources. When people experience independence and belonging, they are happier and healthier.
Home health services - services are designed to promote wellness and recovery, with an emphasis on psychiatric rehabilitation. Provides individuals with psychiatric nursing supports in the homes of people who experience mental health issues. Nurses visit individuals on a regular basis to assist with medication management and education, and to assess mental health and stability. Nurses may make recommendations for other services for individuals who need additional support to live their greatest lives. This program ended in 2022.
Care coordination - Accord began providing care coordination services in 2023. The care coordination model focuses on the person first, helping them navigate health and social systems of care to promote healthy behaviors; inviting community inclusion and participation; and empowering individuals to access resources to promote independence and choice. Accord's focus is on the individual's overall health and wellbeing.
Housing stabilization services - provides access to affordable housing for people coping with low income or mental illness, or who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Housing options include efficiency apartments, one and two-bedroom apartments and shared housing with private bedrooms. People receiving housing services can feel more secure and prepared to live their greatest lives, and may choose to access other Accord services or services from other providers to build their skills, self-reliance, and wellness.