Program areas at Community of Hope
Permanent supportive housing (psh): our experience with transitional housing led us to understand and acknowledge that some households are not reasonably able to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps- and become self-sufficient in the time- frame allotted in a transitional program. In fact, this may not be an appropriate goal due to health, mental health, or other factors beyond the individual's control. For these households we provide permanent housing as long as they meet the requirements of the program.
Transitional housing (th): transitional housing was our first program and is still key to what coh does. This program allows families to have supportive services while stabilizing in a safe and affordable home. The fees for this program pay for services, rent, and utilities. This fee is based on income and is not more than 30% of the total income of the household.
Hope housing services (hhs): considering the increasing gap between typical household income and the average cost of housing in brevard, Community of Hope does not have the inventory to meet the needs of families in brevard. We are increasing our inventory as indicated in the goals and objectives below. However, we are also working with private landlords by helping families secure funding that helps offset the expense of market based housing and providing case management services.
Safe overnight stay (s.o.s. ): this program started in 2017 with a single unit dedicated to very short- term shelter leading to housing. The program proved to be effective and easily scalable, even in the face of a pandemic that significantly decreased shelter options throughout the county. S.o.s. Has grown through Community support and partnerships to include options for elderly adults and youth and young adults. We piloted this program with the homeless coalition serving 69 people in our first year. In 2020 Community of Hope s.o.s alone sheltered over 230 people and this number was magnified by those served by partner agencies. As we move into 2022 we anticipate continuing growth in this program. Perhaps more importantly, this program does not just shelter households but results in the vast majority attaining long-term, stable housing solution (92%). Ready for Hope (rfh): rfh is a version of our s.o.s. Program run in conjunction with our partner agency, ready for life. Ready for life specializes in providing wrap-around services to transition aged youth (age 18 to 34), especially those who aged out of foster care. Community of Hope provides shelter, housing case management, and housing assistance to these youth, allowing ready for life to focus on other supports and assistance needed to stabilize the client and prepare them for independence and success. This program was new the second half of 2021 but has already been successful in sheltering and housing several of these vulnerable youths. Hope mosaic (hm): this program is a collaboration between Community of Hope and mosaic palm bay. Mosaic palm bay grew out of one of the coh sponsor churches and provides outreach directly to homeless households where they are staying. Hope mosaic marries the strengths of both organizations to provide outreach services to the homeless of our Community.