Program areas at Community Partnerships
Cpi's brain injury support services program (biss) provides an interdisciplinary approach to helping people who have survived brain injuries transition back into the work force. The program focuses on cognitive rehabilitation, job-readiness training, therapy, and one-on-one case management, helping participants tap into their strengths to achieve their personal and career goals. As a result of the intensive individual and group services provided in this program, 100% of the individuals enrolled received a comprehensive assessment. Over 130 adults with brain injuries received cognitive rehabilitation, counseling, and employment services to help them re-enter the workforce.
Tailored care management is north carolina's holistic model of care management for eligible medicaid recipients, designed to coordinate physical health, behavioral health, and other unmet health-related resource needs to ensure positive health outcomes. Cpi is a certified care management agency, with a team of care managers and care extenders serving individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, or co-occurring diagnoses. This new service launched on 12/1/2022. In the first few months of service delivery, over 120 individuals received a comprehensive care management assessment to determine their needs and develop a personalized plan of care to address identified needs.
Supported employment (se) is a cornerstone program of cpi. The se program provides individualized services that help people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental illnesses and/or substance use issues find and maintain jobs in their communities that pay competitive wages. The se program is 100% community-based, dedicated to helping participants find jobs with local businesses, where they will earn minimum wage or higher, work side by side with people without disabilities, and where they have the opportunity for authentic career growth. As a result of the agency's se services, 35 individuals secured new employment this year, and over 100 individuals received support to maintain their jobs in the Community.
The partners in inclusion program helps children and youth with disabilities succeed in childcare and recreational settings. Services include on-site consultation and on-demand training for childcare providers and recreational programs to teach strategies for working with children with special developmental or behavioral needs. Referrals and support are also provided to parents of children with special needs.the Community connections program provides short-term, intensive supports to children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities who are entering the service system for the first time or need support through crisis situations. Services assist with eligibility determination, accessing Community resources, and navigating the system of care.