Program areas at Community Resource Center
Colorado health care corps - the Colorado healthcare corps, designed to meet a historic shortage of skilled healthcare workers in Colorado, allows americorps state and national (asn) service members to serve in healthcare facilities such as Community health clinics, long-term care facilities, development disability daycare, and residential programs. The program has recruited, onboarded, and supported a diverse corps of 52 members, ranging in age from 18-62, with varying levels of education and types of professional experience, to serve. The program has host site partners across the state serving 35 Colorado counties. In 2022, Colorado healthcare corps members obtained 32 certifications that will advance their careers in the healthcare field.
Rural action network (ran) - the ran program helps rural nonprofit organizations build relationaships to access funding opportunities, offers tools to build skills, and provides the opportunity to network with nonprofit professionals, local government officials and front range-based funders. For the purposes of this program, crc has divided the 53 rural counties of the state into eight regions. Each year, two of these regions host a three-day rural philanthropy day (rdp) conference for rural grant seekers. Front range and rural grant makers and local government officials.
Americorps vista rural capacity building project - this program provides human capital in the form of americorps vista members to crc and rural nonprofits across Colorado to build organizational capacity and reduce poverty. Vista members serve a one-year term and volunteer in crc's denver office and with partner organizations in rural Colorado. In 2022, Colorado grantcorps recruited a team of four grantcorps vista members (two grant writing specialists and two statewide data analysts), and three independent consultants to support program development and provide services. Grantcorps vista members participate in a 12 month development plan that includes key activities to support their growth as professionals in fund development. Through the program's nonprofit training plan, we delivered nine training sessions reaching 203 participants. Grantcorps provided 138 hours of 1:1 services to organizations including 135 hours of training and three hours of providing information and resources to interested organizations.
Colorado participation project (cpp) - cpp is a nonpartisan civic engagement program that builds the advocacy capacity of human service nonprofits to register and engage their communities in elections by providing guidance, training and support to nonprofit staff.
Colorado grants guide - crc publishes the state's premier online resouce to local and national funding sources, the Colorado grants guide. This comprehensive Resource contains hundreds of up-to-date, cross referenced profiles detailing a wide variety of organizations, agencies, corporations. Trust and foundations that support Colorado nonprofit organizations. In 2021, crc began to design and develop a new platform for this online Resource, which launched in 2022.