Program areas at CRJ
Community strategies-massachusetts (csma) provides comprehensive community-based residential, vocational, and clinical services to adults with developmental disabilities in a supportive, therapeutic environment. Since its inception in 1993, csma has evolved into a specialized service provider with unique expertise in serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and psychiatric disorders, including those with past involvement in the criminal Justice system. With an emphasis on utilizing positive behavioral supports (pbs), csma's goal is to provide these individuals with the greatest opportunity to live as independently as possible in the community.csma operates group homes and shared living arrangements in numerous communities. Presently, the program's primary funding source is the Massachusetts department of developmental services (dds). Funding is also provided by the ma department of mental health (dmh), ma department of children and families (dcf), Massachusetts rehabilitation commission (mrc), ct department of mental health and addiction services (dmhas) and nh bureau of developmental services (bds).csma is successful when individuals build on their social and life skills, have greater opportunities for inclusion in the Community, secure meaningful employment, and require less external structure. Csma provides a continuum of supports, ranging from group programs with 24/7 supervision, through shared living with a home provider, to case management where an individual lives independently with minimal support.over the last several years, we have transitioned a number of individuals from group home programs into shared living homes. Csma has also continued to see an increase in the number of individuals who have obtained and successfully maintained competitive employment in the Community, as well as individuals who have required less formal job coaching to be successful.the individuals we serve increasingly attend Community college, formally study for their ged, take vocational classes, and attend religious study classes. Many more of individuals have developed quality personal relationships with members of the Community. This increased Community involvement has been accompanied by a high level of demonstrated proactive social skills, Community awareness, and safe behavior.
The crime and Justice institute (cji) bridges the gap between research and practice with data-driven solutions that drive bold, transformative improvements in adult and youth Justice systems. With a reputation built over many decades for innovative thinking, issue analysis, and a client-centered approach, cji helps organizations achieve better, more cost-effective results for the communities they serve.cji has proven expertise in policy development and analysis, implementation and training, research and evaluation, and system assessment. Cji's team has a record of success in developing evidence-based, data-driven policies; managing complex processes with diverse stakeholders; and driving systems-level organizational change in all aspects of the Justice system, including policing, pretrial, sentencing, Community and residential corrections, and restrictive housing.
Social Justice services (sjs) operates community-based residential reentry programs for people transitioning from incarceration to the community.crj's community-based residential reentry programs provide services to people referred by federal, state, or county correctional systems, as well as parole and probation agencies. Using evidence-based interventions, our goal is to support individuals so that they can be successful in the Community and not end up back in the criminal Justice system.based on a comprehensive risk-need-responsivity assessment, our reentry programs assist individuals in obtaining employment, housing, substance use and mental health counseling, and support to strengthen family relationships. Working with more than 500 residents per year, crj's reentry programs offer a balance of supervision, structure and support. The intent is to enable these men and women to break out of the cycle of incarceration through life-changing programming that reduces recidivism and builds safer, stronger communities. All residential reentry programs provide education support and enrichment services, including life skills, educational and creative arts groups and classes, mentors from local colleges and universities, and a variety of other programming. Additionally, staff training activities include basic training for newly hired staff, risk-need-responsivity assessment certification, evidence-based intervention curricula, and first aid. Ongoing monthly booster sessions ensure august of 2020, crj acquired through a merger family reentry (fre), a bridgeport ct - based non-profit agency which became a part of our sjs division. Fre has a long history of providing services that include mentoring and working with domestic violence clients and families impacted by domestic violence. A hallmark of the fre work is the meaningful inclusion of men and women with lived experience in all of our service delivery. Treatment and recovery services are areas we will work to develop and grow within our fre september 2022, crj opened our first behavioral health clinic in new haven, ct serving both court referrals and the greater new haven Community.
Community strategies - new hampshire (csnh) provides individualized high quality, community-based services and supports for adults with special psychiatric, developmental, behavioral, and other complex needs. Csnh has extensive experience and a strong reputation for serving people with dual diagnoses and challenging behaviors.the goal of our work is to increase support individuals to live as independently as possible in the Community. Our staff provides a balanced mix of support, supervision, treatment, and progressive freedom, which builds upon the strengths of the individuals we serve, empowers them with confidence to work toward greater independence and their personal goals, and promotes their successful and active participation in the community.our expertise has allowed many people, who would otherwise likely be living in institutional settings, to live, work, volunteer, and participate in their communities. Csnh's services include Community participation services (cps), outreach, 24/7 residential supports, home-based enhanced family care, group and individual clinical services respite services, and a wide range of wraparound supports. All our services are designed to be realistic and easily adjusted to fit each the needs of each individual and their family.