Program areas at Community Services of Stark County
Addiction and recovery Services: Services provided include substance use/abuse counseling and ambulatory opiate detox stabilization provided in our facility providing medication assisted recovery. Our subacute detox facility provides treatment for those needing detoxed. Driver intervention program is run in conjunction with courts as jail alternative to ovi offenders. We also offer drug free work place trainings; residential treatment for adult males & females. Commquest Services, Inc. is certified by the Ohio department of mental health and the Ohio department of alcohol and drug addiction Services. Additionally, the agency is accredited by the council on accreditation. The overall objective of Commquest service Inc's behavioral health Services is to provide treatment to individuals suffering alcohol, drug and mental/emotional disorders for the purpose of eliminating or reducing symptoms associated with their illness.
Education, prevention, youth and young adult Services: school-based mental health Services, early childhood mental health/childhood resiliency program, prevention Services, pyramid training program, youth case management, and youth and young adult employment Services.
Clinical and counseling Services: mental health counseling provided to adults, adolescents, children, and families in individual, couple, family, and group settings. Psychiatric Services including diagnosing and treating mental health disorders through the use of medication and counseling, Community psychiatric supportive treatment Services, supportive employment Services, and culturally sensitive emotional health Services to minorities.
Other program Services: homeless shelter serving families and single women, supporting housing Services including case management, life skills and case coordination to those in housing, social center drop in location for peer support and meals, payee center, rape and sexual assault counseling, homeless prevention basis needs Services.