Program areas at Community Shelter Board
Emergency Shelter: emergency Shelter beds are provided for men, women, and families at several sites throughout columbus and franklin county. Emergency shelters provide a safe and dignified environment. Shelter operators work to help people end their homeless crisis quickly, connecting people to rapid re-housing services, employment and job training, support services, medical care, and housing resources. 5,388 homeless households made up of single men, single women, and families with children (7,142 persons in all) received emergency Shelter services in fy2024.
Prevention: families and individuals facing homelessness are connected to work and job training, tenant education, and relocation services to quickly resolve their housing crisis and keep them stably housed. Households receive temporary utility and rent assistance to retain their housing. 1,175 households received prevention assistance during fy2024.
Rapid re-housing: while in Shelter, individuals and families receive assistance to obtain and maintain permanent housing. Single adults and families are linked to intensive services, such as employment and job training, medical care, behavioral health, and housing to promptly stabilize them in housing. People also receive support after they are housed to assure long-term stability. 1,933 households received rapid re-housing assistance during fy2024.
Permanent supportive housing: people experiencing long-term or repeated homelessness who have disabilities are provided an apartment with health care, employment, and other supports to assure they remain in stable housing. 2,538 households received permanent supportive housing assistance during fy2024. On june 30, 2024, 2,750 units of supportive housing were operational.