Program areas at Community Support Services
Case management (Community psychiatric supportive treatment) and clinical Services: case management Services provided to individuals to assist in resolving or minimizing the effects of their impairment for which habilitative or rehabilitative Services will assist in their recovery.
Psychiatric and counseling Services: mental health assessments are conducted by clinical staff when necessary to determine client needs and ability to function in order to determine appropriate treatment and Services. Pharmacological treatment Services are also provided by psychiatrists, advance practice nurses, registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses. Services include comprehensive evaluation, treatment planning, prescribing medication, assessment, and side effect monitoring. Outpatient counseling Services include, but are not limited to, assessment, individual and group counseling, Support, cpst, crisis intervention, adjunctive/art therapy, social/recreational Services, and supportive employment.
Residental and supportive housing: residential Services: there are several levels of Services available to individuals served, including three free standing residential group homes that provide room, board, personal care and behavioral health/recovery Services and accomodations with a total capacity to serve 37 individuals. Adult care facilities are homes owned and operated by independent proprietors and licensed by ohiomhas. All homes provide 3 meals a day, medication monitoring, and some level of on-site Support. Supportive housing provides double and single room occupancy with private sleeping quarters, a refrigerator and microwave. Staff is scheduled to be on premises around the clock, and interact with tenants to establish rapport and Support successful tenancy. The housing assistance program is a temporary rental assistance program that provides an operating subsidy and or assistance with startup costs associated with the acquisition of independent rental housing. Permanent supportive housing permanent housing with on-site supportive Services and psychiatric Services for chronically homeless persons who have severe mental disability.
Activities and therapies which promote restoration or improvement in the individual's level of functioning through the development of employment knowledge, skills, capacities, and employment. Includes vocational Support activities, job club, job search assistance, job save, vocational evaluation, travel training, job placement, job coaching, and long term follow along. The program follows the supported employment evidence-based practice model.