Program areas at Compass Center / The Women's Center Inc
Domestic violence services: The Center's domestic violence work includes education through community programs, provision of direct services including emergency assistance, housing assistance, case management, support groups, latinx services and court advocacy. Court advocates accompany victims to civil and criminal court to help them navigate The court system. Supportive services include support groups for women and children. The goal of these programs is to serve people who are involved in intimate partner violence, and ultimately prevent and end family violence. The Center works with women and men who are experiencing or have experienced emotional, verbal, physical, sexual or other forms of abuse by phone and in person. Transitional housing assistance includes financial assistance to cover rent, utilities, moving expenses and rental deposits for survivors who have attained their own lease and a specified income level.
Community education program: The community education program includes connections to community resources through its information and referral service, helping clients explore and prioritize their specific needs and develop an action plan to access resources; support groups for women undergoing separation and divorce; and education and advocacy through domestic violence awareness month and Women's history month activities. Compass Center's adolescent health education programs, a subset of The community education programs, include two different services for youth. The first is teens climb high, an empowerment and pregnancy prevention program for middle and high school students. This program uses The making proud choices curriculum to teach comprehensive, evidence-based sexual health education in health classes. The second program is offered as community education through specialized curricula. Start strong, our teen dating violence prevention program, is offered to 6th and 8th grade health education classrooms in The chapel hill/carrboro school district middle schools and also saint thomas more school. This domestic violence primary prevention programming includes sessions about violence in The home and developing healthy relationships.
Self-sufficiency services: The self-sufficiency program includes a number of different services open to all women and men. They do not have to be victims of domestic violence. The financial services program offers education, coaching and support services on financial management issues. The Center provides counseling on budget and debt reduction; as well as workshops to increase participants' financial literacy and improve financial health. Through its career advising programs, The Center provides help with job search skills to land a job. Individual career advising helps with resume and interviewing skills, advice on The job search process and help exploring career directions. The program also provides career-related workshops which assist people in finding new jobs and/or returning to work or school after raising families. The legal information program provides answers to family law, tenancy, domestic violence and separation and divorce questions. The Center works with both professional attorneys and with unc law school to provide this information.
A capital campaign, safe homes, new lives: campaign for domestic violence emergency housing, was undertaken to develop funds for a new emergency housing program. This program provides short-term emergency housing and corresponding financial assistance and case management at secure locations for survivors needing to seek immediate safe shelter.