Program areas at Compass Health
Mental Health outpatient program: Compass Health offers a broad continuum of counseling services for adults, older adults, children, adolescents and families. We provide treatment for both brief and ongoing behavioral Health issues. We utilize an array of evidence-based practices to promote the best outcomes for clients. Services include individual, group, family, case management, peer support, and psychiatric evaluation with medication. Services are tailored to the individual, and can include a range of intensities based on need. Intensive, multi-disciplinary team-based services are available, providing community-based support and around the clock access to the care team. 10,760 episodes of care.
Inpatient program: Compass Health operates a 16-bed secure short stay inpatient treatment facility for persons detained under the involuntary treatment act. 808 episodes of care.
Crisis services: Compass Health serves people of all ages who are experiencing acute mental Health issues requiring stabilization. Services available include crisis evaluation and intervention by mental Health professionals, on an outpatient/outreach basis. For adults we also can provide a short-term stay in a licensed triage facility providing 24-hour supervision and support. 3,736 episodes of care.
Residential treatment - eligible clients who are unable to live independently due to serious and persistent mental illness are served in two 16-bed facilities. Facility is staffed 24/7 and provides counseling, case management, and support to prepare for a transition to independent living. 57 episodes of care.housing - Compass Health provides safe and affordable housing to homeless individuals so they can focus on symptom management and daily living skills, 277 households served.substance use disorder - treatment for substance use disorder. 141 episodes of care.payee services - protective payee services for individuals who need assistance managing their money. 370 clients served.specialty programs - we provide specialty programs to the community which are funded through private foundation, such as day camp programs for children living with serious mental Health issues, weekend camps for children who have family members living with substance use disorders and motel voucher programs for people in emergency housing situations. 2023 episodes of care.