Program areas at Concordia Health Plan
Healthcare benefits: 2023 enrollment consists of 15,668 members (14,996 active and 672 disabled/retired/seminary students/surviving dependents/leave of absence) and 19,800 dependents. Total enrollment is 35,468. (Information from 12/31/23 enrollment reports.) Provide medical healthcare directly to members through a network health program totaling $161,340,314
Healthcare delivery: Provided vision service plan totaling $2,491,909
Healthcare delivery: Provided prescription drug coverage totaling $41,168,856
Healthcare delivery: Provided dental coverage totaling $33,678,073. Other program expenses: Investment and custodian fees $233,136; External claim services $13,551,544; Healthcare cost containment services $5,045,547; Net benefits & refunds $-11,749; Management fees $16,662,821; Insurance premiums $2,354,428; Benefit related legal expense $28,701; Health & wellness publications/communications $81,409; Miscellaneous $260,805