Program areas at Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health
Ct-aimh offered 5 different audience-specific virtual training series programs (1-dcf, 1-childcare, 1-hv, 1-rs/c, 1-ymca) designed to support professionals working with infants, young children, and their families, by building the compentencies of the Infant and early childhood and family Mental Health workforce. Ct-aimh held 26 virtual training sessions and 4 in-person training sessions (8 sessions for dcf, 11 sessions for childcare- spanish, 6 sessions for hv, 4 sessions for rs/c and 1 session for the ymca), with 99 atendees for the dcf series, 38 for the spanish care series, 29 for the hv series, 21 for the rs/c series, and 15 for ymca session. Some training programs included the opportunity to participate in reflective supervision/consultation groups. 6 reflective supervision groups continued from 2022 into 2023 with 52 participants, and 9 new groups started in 2023, with 47 participants. 170 were trained in Infant Mental Health and 99* attended reflective supervision/consultation groups (note: *duplicated, if ended a first-year group and started into a second year group).
Ct-aimh conducted two conferences offering professional development to professionals working with infants, young children (prenatal-6 yrs) and their families, with the aim of building compentencies in the Infant and early childhood and family Mental Health workforce. Conferences assisted in supporting and enhancing responsive relationships, promoting culturally sensitive practices, and encouraged attendees to reflect on their work with infants, young children and families. The fall conference covered one of the diversity-informed tenets for work with infants, young children and their families. Both conferences were held in-person. The spring conference had 185 atendees, and the fall conference had 189 attendees, with a total of 374 conference attendees in 2023.