Program areas at Conservation Collective
Acquisition, renovation, and maintenance of the property 55 clearwater creek, north carolina for $265,000. This property is nestled within a valley outside of asheville, nc, and contains a tiny home with 11. 211 acres of steep, forested land. Our team successfully converted this property from a short-term rental into an off-grid community space for autonomous system education and local gardening. We provided garden plots to those who don't have the space to grow themselves and created an example of a simplified lifestyle that nurtures eco-friendly ideals. Mainly catering to the lgbtq+ community, we've created a safe and free space for our conmmunity to come together and enjoy the world's most popular hobby.
Cleanout and sale of the secret garden property (62 starr rd., carson nm 87517). This property is located in an extremely rural, off-grid community outside of taos, nm. The previous owners completed the shell of the structure in the late 90s but could not finish due to the remote location and limited access to the community. We purchased the building to help the previous owners move forward and start a new chapter. After being abandoned for about seven years, the structure and land were covered with building materials, garbage, and overgrown vegetation. For months, our team sorted through this mess and disposed of everything properly via state-wide donation and recycling programs. Through our outreach at 903 paseo del pueblo norte, we were able to find a local person to buy the property and take over this project. We provided an owner financed oppurtunity and supported the new owner as they began the process of making the building inhabitable.
Acquisition, renovation, and maintenance of the property 903 paseo del pueblo norte, taos, nm for $350,000. This strikingly unique building is on the main drag of taos, nm, and was previously a secondhand store. The inventory of the store was included in the sale, so our first project was to donate everything to our community. As we cleaned and renovated, we connected with locals and tourists with the hope of spreading awareness about our rural projects in carson, nm. Similar to our other properties, this structure includes a greenhouse that assists with natural climate control and is made from natural and found materials including adobe and reclaimed wood. As we renovated, we hosted free workshops that centered around restoring the existing structure, using salvaged materials, and budget friendly repairs.