Program areas at Conservation Corps MN and IA
The americorps field program engages young adults, ages 18 to 30, in natural resource Conservation and disaster response throughout the upper midwest. In 2023, 215 participants served in national service roles restoring habitat throughout the midwest. Field members contributed 183,797 hours of service this year, removing invasive species and hazard trees from 7,484 acres planting 45,510 native trees and shrubs conducting prescribed burns on 17,030 acres of prairie constructing or improving 391 miles of trail installing or maintaining 410,959 square feet of rain gardens controlling erosion on 71,890 square feet of shoreline. Americorps members receive a monthly stipend, health insurance, and an education award for college expenses. Beside career and workskills training, members receive certifications in wildfire suppression, defensive driving, chainsaw safety and first aid.
Youth outdoors is an afterschool service learning program for twin cities youth. Youth participate for one academic semester at a time, meeting two days a week after school and on saturdays to explore science and the environment and complete projects to improve parks and restore resources. Summer opportunities are also available. In 2023, 42 youth participants and 41 americorps members completed 31,832 hours of environmental service learning projects. This past year, youth outdoors participants managed exotic plant species on 392 acres of land, planted 47,839 trees and shrubs, removed 6,780 pounds of debris, and engaged in 3,823 hours of training. Youth participants earn an hourly wage. Americorps members receive a monthly stipend, health insurance and an education award for college expenses. In addition to career and work skills training, members receive certifications in wildfire suppression, defensive driving, chainsaw safety and first aid.
The residential summer youth Corps engages diverse youth, ages 15-18, in environmental restoration projects during one summer session. In 2023, 59 youth participants, 20 americorps members, and 3 part time staff completed 5,967 hours of training and environmental service learning projects. This past year, crews built and maintained 9.4 miles of trail, maintained 102 campsites, removed invasive species from 30 acres, and completed 267 hours of training and general service. Participants receive a living stipend as well as room and board. Americorps members receive a monthly stipend, health insurance, and an education award for college expenses.
Single placement opportunities for americorps members engage young adults, ages 18 to 30, in natural resource, energy Conservation, community outreach and emergency response work. In 2023, 13 participants served yearlong terms on special projects with a variety of land management agencies and nonprofits and 31 served summer terms completing natural resource projects. Americorps members dedicated a total 39,343 hours of service and training. Corps members planted 7,700 native trees and shrubs, managed invasive plant species on 1,626 acres, collected 2,340 water quality samples, conducted 3,156 aquatic invasive species surveys, and provided education to 3,576 people. Americorps members receive a monthly stipend, health insurance, and an education award for college expenses. Increasing diversity in environmental careers (idec) engages college students pursuing stem degrees who are interested in a career in natural resources. The program specifically seeks to engage students from backgrounds typically underrepresented in natural resource careers, including women, people of color, and individuals with disabilities. Through partnership between the Conservation Corps, the Minnesota pollution control agency, the Minnesota board of water and soil resources and the Minnesota department of natural resources, students participate in a fellowship, mentorship and paid internship. Students gathered with Conservation Corps and Minnesota department of natural resources staff for orientation, met one on one with staff to discuss academic and career goals, and completed a workshop on effective communication skills. 30 students received a fellowship payment to support academic expenses.