Program areas at CGE
Educational programs: during fiscal year ended 2023, Cge educational programs for study abroad included expenses for approximately 26 students that included academic study and service projects in countries including: australia, uk, south korea, tunisia, lithuania, london, italy, spain, and zambia. Cge continued new opportunities overseas study options and international recruiting programs, meetings and new programs in zambia, south korea, uzbekistan, costa rica, and india. Throughout the year, faculty and Cge site visits occurred to give support for overseas programs including costa rica, zambia, south korea, uk, france, and india. Cge continued the research institute programs and establishing faculty-led student trip plans for the next year.
Annually in meetings and conferences, Cge brings together member universities, colleges, partners, and guests to collaborate and explore how international educational programs make a difference in faculty and students. Through keynote speakers, workshops, and special presentations, attendees gain knowledge and build relationships to take with them and enhance their campus and Global partner communities. Cge participates in international conferences with member delegations or represents membership.