Program areas at CoSN
Consortium for School Networking's annual conference is the premier event for edtech leaders. The annual conference was designed to help education leaders better understand the changing roles needed to create the new face of learning.
Professional development, coalition and capacity building: cosn believes that School technology directors acting alone cannot transform education. The cto works most effectively when part of a team that recognizes and values the power of technology to transform learning, instruction, and administrative efficiencies throughout the organization. Cosn provides a rich set of resources, educational materials, and activities suitable for all School system/school district leaders. Hot technologies and trends must be put into the context of learning with real examples of what works, what doesn't, and ideas of how to get there from where you are today. Successful teams include the superintendent and curriculum leaders as well as experienced ctos. Institutional membership in cosn supports and assists School system leaders in building needed team capacity and provides essential membership benefits. The success of technology within a School system depends on system-wide support and leadership, and most important, a culture of innovation continuous improvement.
Leadership initiatives: cosn helps education technology leaders address key challenges in the transition to a digitally enabled learning environment. Support, resources, and tools are provided for School district administrators, educators, and educational organizations to leverage the power of technology to improve student learning. Cosn offers assistance and expertise in three critical areas of educational technology- leadership and vision, instructional focus, and it management. These focus areas help districts create a comprehensive digital transformation of learning environments.
Educate and inform decision makers around key policies and the value of technology to transform learning. Communicate the impact of policy made at the federal level to School districts.