Program areas at Construction Career Training Program
The Construction Career Training Program (CCTP) is a non-profit, faith-based organization that provides mentoring, training, and full-time employment for men and women coming out of correctional facilities and treatment centers in the State of Minnesota. To help prepare applicants for the workforce, CCTP strives to develop character, work readiness, and personal commitment in each of the participants. The goal of CCTP is to develop a statewide program for former inmates and treatment graduates that will help them re-enter society as self-sufficient and productive citizens. CCTP's vision is to provide the necessary resources to help ensure the success of individuals who are working hard to change their lives.
Employment. CCTP directly placed 30 applicants in full-time jobs during 2015 in the construction industry, as well as a variety of jobs in the following industries: manufacturing, warehousing, food service, retail, social service and building maintenance.
Training and Mentoring. CCTP is unique in providing job readiness training, resume preparation, interview skills, and financial training on a one-to-one basis. Each CCTP applicant is matched up with a mentor off the job. The mentoring program has made a significant difference over the history of the CCTP initiative. Each CCTP applicant receives training in how to get a job, how to keep a job, and, when necessary, how to leave a job. The goal is to do as good a job as possible to keep the door open for future applicants.