EIN 13-1857682

Consumer Goods Forum

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Bringing together consumer goods manufacturers and retailers in pursuit of business practices for efficiency and positive change across our industry benefiting shoppers, consumers and the world without impeding competition.
Also known as...
Cies the Food Business Forum
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Program areas at Consumer Goods Forum

The cgf's strategy is focused on helping to accelerate The collective impact of its members through The creation, drive and commitment of its coalitions of action. Much has been achieved by its members over The last decade, but The cgf acknowledges there is more to be done. Whether it's addressing The challenges associated with our strategic priorities or finding new ways to drive actions further and faster, and involving more external stakeholders, its coalitions of action help members seize The opportunities offered by purpose-driven Business models.we all know how important "purpose" has become to consumers, shoppers, employees and investors, worldwide. The issues currently on The cgf's agenda represent in many ways an existential challenge to companies in The Consumer industry globally. At The same time, as people everywhere are more and more attracted by purpose, The return to companies that truly deliver positive change on these issues goes up.the 8 coalitions of action, which are also supported through knowledge and best-practice sharing at key global event, provide several key member benefits: focused on one key topic. Accessible to all cgf members. Integrated global and regional agendas. Explicit company commitments. Freedom to invest. Explicit performance reporting.
Sustainable supply chain initiativethe Consumer Goods Forum (cgf) sustainable supply chain initiative (ssci) builds trust in sustainability standards worldwide by benchmarking third-party auditing and certification programmes and recognising schemes that meet industry expectations. By providing an open-source list of recognised programmes, The ssci delivers clear guidance on which schemes cover key sustainability criteria and apply relevant verification practices. The ssci improves transparency in The market, facilitates decision-making on schemes at both buyer and supplier level and sets The responsible sourcing expectations for The industry. The initiative initially focused on social compliance and expanded The scope to environmental compliance in 2023. The coalition welcomed 3 new certification schemes and monitoring programmes for benchmarking. Joining The growing list of trusted and credible standards that members can use, a third scheme achieved its ssci recognition.
Global Food safety initiativethe global Food safety initiative (gfsi) brings together key actors in The Food industry to collaboratively drive continuous improvement in Food safety management systems around The world. With a vision of safe Food for consumers everywhere, Food industry leaders created gfsi in 2000 to find collaborative solutions to collective concerns, notably to reduce Food safety risks, audit duplication and costs while building trust throughout The supply chain. The gfsi community works on a volunteer basis and is composed of The world's leading Food safety experts from retail, manufacturing and Food service companies, as well as international organisations, governments, academia and service providers to The global Food industry. Making Food safety a global capability is a key strategic priority for gfsi, a comprehensive review and new vision for how gfsi supports Food safety capability globally was shaped and tested. A new vision for The global markets programme was designed and tested with target beneficiaries: smes who require capability-building support and those who are currently working with them. The goal is to better promote The codex alimentarius commission standards in areas around The world and help companies remove unnecessary burdens. For those seeking to become certified, gfsi aims to increase The level of support to facilitate "once certified, accepted everywhere." The role that gfsi plays in building Food safety capability was also brought into sharp focus in 2023, with The relaunch of The new gfsi global markets programme and The signing of an memorandum of understanding between gfsi and usaid to support smaller Food producers in africa deliver safer Food for all.
Forest positive coalitionthe Consumer Goods Forum (cgf) forest positive coalition of action is a ceo-led initiative representing cgf member companies who are committed to leveraging collective action and accelerating systemic efforts to remove deforestation, forest degradation and conversion from key commodity supply chains. Launched in 2020, The coalition represents a dynamic shift in The industry's approach to stopping deforestation: by mobilising The leading position of member companies to build multi-stakeholder partnerships and develop effective implementation and engagement strategies, The coalition brings together diverse stakeholders for sustainable impact. These efforts support The development of forest-positive businesses that drive transformational change in key landscapes and commodity supply chains, strengthening The resilience of communities and ecosystems worldwide. Three years into delivering its theory of change approach, The forest positive coalition continued to prioritise The sourcing of deforestation and conversion-free Goods in supply chains and transform commodity production landscapes into forest positiveareas. Presenting its third annual report detailing The progress enabled through collaboration, transparency and monitoring, The coalition achieved a 13 percent year-on-year increase on overall kpi disclosure. With 78 percent of 23 landscape initiatives now invested in by two or more coalition members, they demonstrate how joining forces accelerates systemic efforts to remove deforestation.form 990, part iii, line 4e, other program services:plastic waste coalitionthe Consumer Goods Forum ("cgf") coalition of action on plastic waste was founded in 2020 with The aim of developing a more circular approach to The development and processing of plastic packaging in The Consumer Goods industry. The development of The coalition builds off The cgf's 2018 endorsement of The ellen macarthur foundation's new plastics economy. As a ceo-led group of committed and innovative retailers and manufacturers, The coalition's vision of accelerating progress towards The new plastics economy is embodied by its central aims for members to work towards implementing impactful measures through multi-stakeholder collaborations that will help make circularity The norm in The industry. Members of The plastic waste coalition made excellent progress in advancing their collective agenda, based on a comprehensive plan to tackle three pressing objectives:1. The implementation of nine golden design rules as a practical guide for redesigning packaging and increasing recycling efficiency.2. Developing guiding principles for The ecomodulation of extended producer responsibility (epr) fees.3. Establishing The vision and principles for credible, safe and environmentally sound development of The chemical recycling industry. With its golden design rules embedding everfurther into industry practice, The plastic waste coalition continued to prove with its flagship framework that drives rapid action. Simplicity that must accelerate systemic change in packaging design and The recycling process, keeping plastics out of The environment and in The economy. It is in this shared simplicity that The coalition calls for more accountability in building a circular economy for packaging.form 990, part iii, line 4f, other program services:food waste coalition The Consumer Goods Forum (cgf)'s ceo-led coalition of action on Food waste brings together 20 of The world's largest Consumer Goods retailers and manufacturers with The goal of halving per capita global Food loss at The retailer and Consumer levels. With its explicit ceo engagement, action-oriented commitments and passion for accelerating sustainable change on a global level, The coalition is a leader in The effort to reduce Food loss in supply chains worldwide by driving action on key issues such as public reporting, full supply chain engagement, post-harvest losses and regional challenges. Together, The coalition and its members play a powerful role in The effort to reduce waste, reducing stress on The environment, benefitting The global economy and ensuring more Food makes it to stores and onto consumers' tables in The process. Members of The Food waste coalition strengthened their commitment to The sustainable development goal (sdg) 12.3 targets to cut Food waste in half up and down their supply chains by 2030, and to report openly on The impact of their reduction efforts. In 2023, The first coalition baseline report marked a significant step in effective reporting and accountability while its partnership with wwf brought new focus upstream, working directly with growers to measure post harvest losses. Downstream, it launched The #toogoodtowaste' campaign aimed at inspiring consumers to reduce household Food waste.form 990, part iii, line 4g, other program services:product data coalitionthe Consumer Goods Forum (cgf)'s ceo-led coalition of action on product data aims to address weaknesses faced in today's data exchange processes. To achieve this, The coalition works to ensure that all products have a unique identification, all unique product ids can be verified in real time, and all brand owners, retailers and platforms follow The same foundational global data model. This is to be done in parallel to voluntarily testing dataports technology to facilitate use of new technologies and federated data sharing in The medium term. Members of The coalition, and their partners, share a vision for an industry in which trading partners have access to real-time, accurate and independently-assured product data; consumers can get accurate, on demand answers to their questions on The products they buy and where they come from; and consumers can also be confident that companies will reliably use and safeguard their data. In The past year, The coalition focused was on accelerating The adoption of its existing initiatives, such as The data leapfrog pilot projects, which address improvements in The exchange of product data between trading partners, manufacturers and retailers. To ensure The data is complete and accurate, The initiatives that enable that exchange such as verified by gs1, The global data model and gtin ubiquity were priorities for action and progress was made across all initiatives. In 2023 The coalition doubled-down on advancing its leapfrog initiatives, global data model and 2d barcode roadmaps innovating new ways to share data, elevate experiences and drive adoption for consumers and companies at local, regional and global levels.form 990, part iii, line 4h, other program services:collaboration for healthier lives coalition The objectives of The collaboration for healthier lives (chl) are to inspire healthier Consumer behaviour in stores, online and throughout local communities; to drive collective action across sectors; and to make healthier and more sustainable choices easier for consumers. The increasing health and wellbeing challenges often differ from region to region. As a result, chl's global strategy relies on regional implementation to ensure that people have access to The Food, hygiene and personal care products and services that are right for them. The goal is to help people make healthier decisions every day for themselves and their families in every community around The world. To measure its progress, The coalition has developed a robust kpi framework with set targets for Consumer engagement and percentage thresholds for basket growth in Food, personal care and hygiene. To encourage positive action within communities around The world, chl members supported initiatives that could be replicated and scaled to move beyond 1:1 collaboration, with an initial concentration on nine countries usa, mexico, costa rica, colombia, uk, france, turkey, china and japan. A total of 70 initiatives were undertaken by coalition members, with a kpi framework for each that examines what is working and what is not; how many people have been reached; and what tangible actions they have taken. The year of employee well-being campaign in 2023 raised support from board ceos & c-suite level executives through ceo advocacy, case studies, podcasts, masterclasses and blog posts. The coalition continued its focus on shared learnings and best practices, including The publication of a playbook and case-study repository on building impactful initiatives to drive behavioural change, alongside The collaborative development of supporting pilots around digital solutions for preventative health.
Form 990, part iii, line 4i, other program services:human rights coalition -- working to end forced labourthe cgf human rights coalition -- working to end forced labour (hrc) is a ceo-led coalition of action from The Consumer Goods Forum. As an initiative of 20 of The world's largest Consumer Goods companies, The hrc is committed to helping achieve fair and decent working conditions worldwide by eradicating forced labour from its supply chains. The work of The hrc continues The cgf's long history of engagement on The issue of forced labour within Consumer Goods supply chains by building on The cgf's social resolution on forced labour, The first of its kind in The industry; its priority industry principles, and ongoing relationships with key stakeholders in The industry. Advocating for responsible recruitment, The human rights coalition focused to raise awareness and create resources for The responsible recruitment and employment of workers worldwide by implementing and improving human rights due diligence (hrdd). In 2023, their people positive palm project deepened engagement with malaysia's recruiters, employers and government. Its focus remains resolute: to ensure workers' rights are protected, respected, and remedied at every step of The global value chain. Form 990, part iii, line 4j, other program services:race to zero initiativeat cop 26 The Consumer Goods Forum (cgf) became an official "accelerator" of The un-backed race to zero campaign, to help increase progress towards net zero among its global membership. In a coordinated, global response, cgf members came together on actions to support vulnerable communities with a ceo-led call to action to help alleviate The health and economic burdens of people hit hardest by The pandemic. In 2022, at cop27 cgf launched The net zero playbook for Consumer industries in collaboration with its members, accenture and The race to zero. The playbook contains practical solutions to help consumer-facing companies address complex emission challenges and serves as a Consumer industry executive's guide for developing and operationalizing decarbonization roadmaps. It outlines The opportunities that exist for companies as they navigate their path to net zero as well as advice on how to get started. It also provides case studies demonstrating how industry leaders are already taking action across key decarbonization levers, including sustainable agriculture, plastics and packaging, transport and logistics, Consumer use, and supplier enablement. Building on this work a ninth new coalition of action: towards net zero was created in 2023. Rooted in The cgf's role of becoming an official accelerator of The united nations' race to zero campaign back in 2021 which today notes 60 cgf members pledging to cut their greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions in half by 2030 (putting them on track to reach net-zero by 2050) The netzero coalition unifies The diverse decarbonization initiatives woven across our 8 coalitions of action and cements its own guiding star.
Form 990, part iii, line 4k, other program services:five acceleration areas were launched in 2023 to recalibrate focus and scale-up The speed ofsystemic change continuously driven by The cgf's dedicated coalitions.1. Maintaining deforestation and conversion free (dcf) supply approach for a more forest positive future2.adopting The golden design rules (gdr) to enable a circular economy and reduce plastic waste3. Embracing human rights due diligence (hrdd) in operations and supply chains4. Establishing employee wellbeing programmes to support employee health and empower healthier lives5. Accelerating emission reductions for a net-zero future

Personnel at Consumer Goods Forum

Wai-Chan ChanManaging Director$1,015,312
Isabell DahlenDirector Finance and Administration$131,139
Sharon BlighDirector Health and Wellness$120,929
Amaya Bloch LaineEvents Director$172,305
Erica ShewardDirector , Gfsi$145,995
...and 4 more key personnel

Financials for Consumer Goods Forum

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$15,000
Program services$19,191,799
Investment income and dividends$305,040
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$19,511,839

Form 990s for Consumer Goods Forum

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-10-31990View PDF
2022-122023-11-01990View PDF
2021-122022-08-09990View PDF
2020-122021-08-11990OView PDF
2020-122021-08-03990View PDF
...and 11 more Form 990s
Data update history
February 23, 2025
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
February 17, 2025
Updated personnel
Identified 4 new personnel
November 5, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 35 new personnel
January 20, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
January 18, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 4 new personnel
Nonprofit Types
Trade associationsBusiness and community development organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
Human servicesFood and nutritionBusiness and industry
MembershipsPolitical advocacyOperates internationallyCommunity engagement / volunteering
General information
135 W 50th St 17fl
New York, NY 10020
Metro area
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
New York County, NY
Website URL
(301) 563-3383
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
S41: Promotion of Business
NAICS code, primary
813910: Trade Associations
Parent/child status
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