Program areas at Contigo Ed
Contigo Ed champions and drives equitable postsecondary expectations and opportunities for all students. Contigo Ed was born out of a desire to ensure all students, regardless of their backgrounds and the schools they attend, are advised by highly trained, skilled, and effective educators helping them thrive and reach their fullest potential. Drawing upon the collective years of experience of the diverse team, Contigo Ed has not only helped its clients and their students see and realize this vision but also experienced it firsthand - the power and transformative life changing effect having viable postsecondary pathways can be. Contigo Ed is fueled by the team's desire to achieve the collective impact Contigo Ed can have on all the students it is entrusted to support and serve.Contigo Ed's work generally falls into two categories:(1) Cultivating communities of educators through customized workshops, training and support to build a culture of postsecondary success. Contigo Ed provides customized and comprehensive professional development workshops, training and support to teachers, administrators, school counselors and advisors in all aspects of postsecondary access and success and leadership development. Contigo Ed offers live workshops that can be delivered and accessed either virtually or in-person. Each workshop includes a pre-workshop consultation with the participants and post-workshop follow-up with the participants. Contigo Ed's workshops for school counselors and advisors discuss student postsecondary pathways, college match and fit, college affordability and transition. Contigo Ed's workshops for school district administrators focus on school district vision setting, data-driven analysis and strategic planning. Contigo Ed's activities relating to customized training and support to build a culture of postsecondary success furthers Contigo Ed's' educational and charitable exempt purposes. Contigo Ed's activities relating to customized training and support to build a culture of postsecondary success are funded by individual contributions and grants from private foundations. We expect activities relating to cultivating communities of educators through customized training and support to teachers, administrators, school counselors and advisors to constitute approximately 50% of Contigo Ed's program activities and expenses.(2) Consulting services that serve to embolden leaders through comprehensive data analysis and strategic planning. Contigo Ed offers strategic consulting to school districts, State Education Departments, philanthropic organizations and nonprofits using a multi-phased approach with distinctive "key" activities and deliverables at each phase of a comprehensive strategic project planning process. Working in close collaboration and partnership with clients, Contigo Ed assesses the Client's current processes in preparing every student for postsecondary access and success, ranging from seeking a higher education degree to an industry-accepted credential aligned with high-demand jobs paying a living wage. Contigo Ed works to define the current and necessary resources critical to achieving the client's objectives, establishes interim progress indicators toward the Client's students' postsecondary outcomes and goals, and creates a set of strategic actions that include key recommendations with aligned processes incorporating critical programming structures essential for success. Contigo Ed's consulting services relating to data analysis and strategic planning for school districts, State Education Departments, philanthropic organizations and nonprofits furthers Contigo Ed's' educational and charitable exempt purposes. Contigo Ed's consulting services activities for school districts, State Education Departments, philanthropic organizations and nonprofits are funded by individual contributions and grants from private foundations. We expect consulting services activities for school districts, State Education Departments, philanthropic organizations and nonprofits to constitute approximately 50% of Contigo Ed's program activities and expenses.