Program areas at Corazon Puro
Osv - r.e.a.l: in partnership with our sunday visitor institute & the lilly endownment, this work titled "reawaken and educate authentic leaders" (r.e.a.l) will produce enculturated faith and vocational formation materials through printed and online resources in english and spanish for ministers, families, leaders, priests, parishes, and dioceses.
Retreats: in addition to the leadership program, Corazon Puro provides advanced leadership through a series of retreats. These retreats help the participants understand more about their dignity and receive healing to prepare them to go back to their communities and serve in a better capacity.
General program: the Corazon Puro leadership program is at the heart of our organization's efforts to form youth and young adult leaders to become agents of change within their communities. Our objectives are to identify new leaders from vulnerable populations and accompany them through ongoing formation events and community.
Mission trips, monthly meetings, conferences, outreach, project outskirt, affiliate support, scholarship program - cupertino fund, tx/mx, evangelization ecosystem, wpu campus ministry, our lady's face, and missionary formation.