Program areas at CEC
Convention: annual convention and expo provides members a forum to exchange the latest information on education and related advances and issues, expose members to new material and resources.
Professional standards: in 1922 the founders of cec embraced professional standards and ethics for the field of special education. As the recognized leader for special education professional standards, cec develops standards, ethics and practices and guidelines to assure that individuals with exceptionalities have well-prepared, career-oriented special educators. Cec collaborates with other professional organizations to ensure that all educators have a robust professional working environment and are well-prepared to support the learning of individuals with exceptionalities.
Marketing and communications: this program provides leadership and direction in the areas of marketing, communications, and public relations and includes the promotion of publication, subscriptions, and convention registration. The marketing initiatives incorporate direct mail, email, online, and social media efforts to reach out targeted audiences and include marketing strategies that increase our outreach, opportunities, and potential.constituent services: includes expenditures for the Council's membership electronic newsletter daily news updates professional, student and yes i can awards communications and public relations, and the web site. Members stay abreast of current and emerging issues within the field and cec through an electronic version of special education today (set). The awards program highlights the accomplishments of our teachers, prominent contributors to the field, and Children and youth. Press relations and proactive public relations get cec's positions and activities cited in broadcast and print media. The cec web site includes timely, relevant information, members-only content, and e-commerce capabilities enabling members and customers to renew and join, register for an event, or purchase products 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The web site also includes online communities that will support member engagement and retention.
Membership services: membership services include the retention of current members and the recruitment of new members management and maintenance of member records membership subsidies for student, retired, life, and associate members and member benefits, including six issues of teaching Exceptional Children, four issues of Exceptional Children, and special education today (set). Student support entails student awards, student activities at the convention, and resources for students and early career professionals.
Public policy: cec works to improve public policy affecting Children and youth with disabilities and gifts and talents, their parents and the professionals who work with them, at all levels of government. In advocating on behalf of Children with exceptionalities, cec examines policy issues, develops appropriate responses to those issues and influences federal legislation. Cec also monitors and makes recommendations for program regulations and funding. In addition, cec maintains a network among its units for influencing policy. Cec is the recognized leader in advocacy for special education policy. Cec has a long history of success in impacting policy and legislation in the special education, gifted and talented and general education areas. Cec played a large part in developing the predecessor of today's idea, then known as the education for all handicapped Children act of 1975 (pl 94-142). This law established the right to a free, appropriate public education for Children with disabilities.
Publications/continuing education: training to assist special educators meet continuing education requirement and publications for use by professionals in the field.cec provides a variety of publications for its members and the larger special education community to further the quality of instruction and services provided Children and youth with exceptionalities and to reinforce the Council's reputation as a source of valued and trusted professional knowledge and information. These publications include curriculum products to products on instructional strategies, positive curriculum products to products on instructional strategies, positive behavior management, diversity, assessment, resources for recognizing and nurturing talent, support for beginning professionals, early childhood education, transition, and public policy advances.