Program areas at Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center
Head start/early head start operated head start and early head start programs within the pittsburgh area helping children reach their full potential. Programs provided emotional, social, health, nutritional and pyschological needs to preschool children. Servicing approximately 406head start children and 731 early head start children in western pa and philadelphia county, pa.
Workforce innovation and opportunity act (wioa) provides training assistance, job counseling and career guidance for approximately 204 participants in the district of columbia, maryland,pennsylvania, Kentucky and west Virginia. Services provided include work experience, classroomtraining, tuition, support services and on the job training.
Pre k counts - pa department of education provides emotional, social, health, nutritional and pyschological needs to preschool children. Servicing approximately 123 students in western paages 3 to preschool.
Hazelwood family Center provides familes with children ages 0 to 5 curiculum-based parenting education and support.
Native American Center provides socio economic assistance to native americans shoreside in the service area by creating bonds of understanding and fellowship between native americans and non-native americans.
Elders program provides outreach assistance to senior citizens along with the acceptance and distribution of donated food and clothing to those in need.
Bpk misc grants