Program areas at COA-SC
Health insurance counseling and advocacy program (hicap): counselors provide educational seminars and individual counseling sessions to existing and newly eligible medicare beneficiaries about medicare and related insurance coverage to help medicare beneficiaries maximize their benefits and minimize costs in orange, riverside, san bernardino, inyo, and mono counties. Counseling is available by telephone or in person at more than 60 sites throughout the five counties. All hicap counselors must successfully complete at least 24 hours of training, 10 hours of internship, and pass a 100 question exam to achieve California department of Aging state registration. Afterwards, counselors must meet annual counseling and continuing education requirements (at least 55 hours) to maintain their registration.
Preventative mental health department (pmhd)/reconnect:the department offers county-wide prevention and early intervention to older adults who are experiencing mental health barriers later in life. The goal of the department is to improve the biopsychosocial health and overall well-being of community-dwelling older adults in orange county. Department volunteers are required to successfully complete 3-hour training class. Department interns are required to complete a 60-hour training that includes didactic and experiential techniques, modeling and demonstrations, staff shadowing, video and audio lectures, and providers site visits prior to start delivering direct services. All interns and volunteers must complete a background check and sanction screenings.
Advocates for nursing home residents (long-term care ombudsman service): the state-certified long-term care ombudsmen protect the rights of approximately 29,000 older and disabled adults in orange county and 15,000 in riverside county who reside in skilled nursing and residential care facilities. The long-term care ombudsmen investigate allegations of abuse and neglect of long-term care residents and make unannounced visits to 1,600 facilities across both counties. Certified ombudsmen successfully complete a 36-hour certification training and log at least 10 hours of mentored field training. To maintain their certification, ombudsmen receive 2-4 hours per month of continuing education relevant to ombudsman work.
Senior protection program (spp) and financial abuse specialist team (fast): the program provides educational awareness of financial elder abuse issues on a national and community level while providing referrals to appropriate agencies for the investigation of financial abuse cases. Spp is also part of the fast which is a multi-disciplinary volunteer group that assists adult protective services, the ombudsmen, law enforcement and attorneys in resolving complicated matters of abuse.smilemakers program: the program is volunteer service group that coordinates, solicits, and distributes donated personal holiday gifts to individuals in licensed care facilities throughout orange and riverside counties. Concierge care navigators(ccn): concierge care navigators is led by a registered nurse and gerontologist team who specialize in geriatric care management and advocacy. Ccn nurses create online, personalized care plans for clients in conjunction with their family and health care providers. The plan includes medical and non-medical goals and is accessible 24/7. Ccn nurses work with clients to implement the plan, providing advice, insight, and support.