Program areas at Craft Yarn Council
Industry Promotion - Humans that Yarn campaign to showcase all the different types of crafts that can be made with yarn and different types of people who identify as a yarnist. As well as teaching workshops and participation in other craft shows to promote the yarn industry. I Love Yarn Day and The Great Yarn Challange are programs to raise public awareness across the country on a specific day each year. Spreading the good feeling people get from yarn and yarn-related crafts is what these events areall about. Consumers are encouraged to participate by making a yarn craft or project to declare Love For Yarn.
The council also maintains a database of CIP graduates and alerts them to job opportunities in the communities. In addition, many graduates go on to find jobs teaching in retail stores or volunteering in schools and other venues on their own. By training teachers, the council is fulfilling the mandate of its members to raise awareness of yarn related skills such as knitting and crocheting while reaching and teaching new generations these worthwhile skills.
Classes are offered on-site or via correspondence and cover technical skills as well as the specifics of how to teach these skills to others. An on-site class includes between 15-17 hours of intensive hands-on instruction with a master teacher. The correspondence program covers the same information. Participants work is review personally by one of the programs master teachers through a combination of written work and telephone interviews. The program is also offered as part of the Fashion Institute of Technologys (FIT) continuing education program. FIT, which is based in New York City, offers CIP participants who complete the program degree credit(s).
FORM 990, PART III, LINE 4D OTHER PROGRAM SERVICES DESCRIPTIONCertified Instructors Program (CIP) initiated in 1982. The goal of the CIP is to train knitters and crocheters who have good basic skills in these craft to gain the knowledge and confidence to teach others. There are two separate programs: a) knitting and b) crocheting. There are three levels to each CIP Program: instructor, teacher, and professional.
FORM 990, PART III, LINE 4A PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTSDiscover program this program, which launched in 2010, continues to be successful as an educational and promotional tool to increase knit and crochet projects. The craft yarn council has implemented a series of knit and crochet classes from beginner to advanced classes and from kids to senior adults available for all through the internet. Graduates of the councils certified Instructors program (CIP) teach classes and share a passion for knitting and crocheting and for teaching others to discover the fun and therapeutics of knitting and crocheting. The CYC staff works with the teachers, Crafts Associates in the U.S. and Canada, and the members of the council. Together they designed a series of knit and crochet classes.