Program areas at Create Your Dreams
Family Needs provides services and resources to students and their families, including emergency financial assistance for housing, medical, clothing, academic needs, transportation, childcare, food, and toiletries. CYDs ability to offer this service increases the quality of life for students so that they can participate fully in school and have basic needs met.
College Needs provides financial assistance to students seeking post secondary education. Items covered include tuition, dorm fees, meal plans, books, and transportation. This ability to assist with college expenses removes the financial barrier all our students experience when their parents and caregivers live well below the poverty line.
Student Needs provides for all student programming and includes our Five Core Programs: AfterSchool, Weekend Enrichment, College Dreamers, Summer Camp, and Tutoring. These programs operate year-round to provide wraparound services to children. Our goal is for students to build a strong academic foundation necessary to remain in school, earn a post-secondary degree, and break the cycle of generational poverty.