Program areas at Creative Action Institute
Eagls strengthens girls' leadership and womens' mentorship abilities through a summit, training, coaching, toolkits, and mini-grants, designed to elevate girls as leaders at the center of efforts to keep girls in school and to advocate against barriers to their education in kenya, rwanda, south sudan, tanzania, and provided is to develop mentorship, facilitation, and advocacy skills among african women mentors through a 2-year mentor program, connect girls with mentors to develop their leadership skills, provide a platform for girls and mentors to determine a critical topic they want to address through Creative advocacy efforts coordinated across east africa and support mentors and girls' advocacy efforts throughout the year by providing coaching, Creative advocacy toolkits, and access to mini-grants.sauti ya dada creates and strengthens systems of support, learning, and leadership both in and out of school to help marginalized girls in east african complete their secondary school education in kenya, rwanda, south sudan, tanzania, ugandasupoport is provided to create mentor and teacher supported sauti ya dada clubs that operate throughout the year, including school breaks, to connect girls, provide a safe space for them to discuss their challenges, and build leadership skills through the sauti ya dada curriculum, send weekly text messages from Creative Action Institute's character, aunty nala, that motivates girls to stay focused on their education, provides srhr information, and inspires them with information about female leaders and organize phone calls from mentor fellows to the girls to provide one on one supportin the program's inaugural year, our goal was to have 95% of the 150 participating girls return once the schools safely reopened. We exceeded our goal with a total of 99% of the participating girls returning to school and their leadership capacity increasing from 66% at the beginning of the course to 86% by the end of the course.creative advocacy practicums (caps) are a critical component of each of our programs. Following training and coaching, grassroots leaders have an opportunity to activate their learning through advocacy projects that engage communities in problem analysis and solution building using participatory and Creative tactics.
Creative Action Institute undertakes numerous consulting opportunities that focus on gender equality and building a sustainable planet. In 2021 they included: developing a curriculum for adolescent girls focused on climate change and its gendered dimensions for a client to increase girls' knowledge and capacity to be leaders in the green economy, developing a climate resilience module for environmental leaders, adapt fawe's gender responsive pedagogy toolkit to an online format, developing a lgbtqi toolkit for young activists and developing a gender-responsive teacher training package.
The Creative environmental leadership program develops leaders by equipping our partners to leverage Creative advocacy strategies that incorporate arts and problem solving to build consensus in their communities around complex issues, develop inclusive solutions, and shift behaviors to support a more sustainable planet.the climate resilience program builds the capacity of leaders and communities to better understand, analyze local challenges and respond to the impact of climate change on food security, gender equality, water availability, and health of humans and animals.creative advocacy practicums (caps) are a critical component of each of our programs. Following training and coaching, grassroots leaders have an opportunity to activate their learning through advocacy projects that engage communities in problem analysis and solution building using participatory and Creative tactics.