Program areas at CCFA
Since its inception, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation has provided more than $475 million for research on the treatment and cures of ibd. The Foundation funds a set of priority research initiatives: multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, collaborative research projects targeting areas of science with a high probability of advancing treatment. The Foundation has defined itself by sponsoring the best and brightest researchers resulting in groundbreaking studies and research initiatives to advance the understanding and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases ("ibd"). (continued in schedule o)the Foundation's research portfolio is a combination of basic, translational, and clinical research. Designed to cut years off the research process, ibd plexus, the Foundation's innovative research platform, is the single largest ibd database in the us. It currently provides researchers with data from over 25,000 patients, including 250,000 biosamples (blood, stool, and intestinal tissue).the Foundation leads the way in new, critically important areas of ibd research, and accelerating novel therapies and innovative products that address unmet patient needs. In 2020, the Foundation launched the most extensive ibd-focused precision nutrition effort, to better understand the direct impact that food may have in the management of ibd and on patient quality of life. The Foundation also launched the surgical research network, our first-ever coordinated-funding effort to study surgical outcomes in ibd, with over 50 centers participating.
The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation provides information and education for the millions of ibd patients and their loved ones through a variety of channels at the national and local level. Webcasts, support groups, ibd help center, and printed materials provide accurate and up-to-date information. The Foundation also offers professional education through our two scientific journals, inflammatory bowel diseases and Crohn's & Colitis 360, as well as through health professional workshops, and its annual Crohn's & Colitis congress conference. In a recent impact study, over 85% of patients connected with the Foundation stated that the Foundation has had a positive impact on their ibd journey. These patients also reported better symptom control than non-foundation connected (cotinued in schedule o) patients. In the past year, the Foundation launched a public service awareness campaign to increase familiarity with ibd, and educate people experiencing symptoms about the importance of seeing a specialist to get diagnosed faster and reduce suffering.