Program areas at CCM
Crossnet Ministries seeks to build relationships and build resources so that every person in elanco has the opportunity to thrive and be successful. Programs include: a food pantry, after school programs for youth, tutoring, mentoring, case management, money management workshops, a transportation ministry, early childhood resources, and housing programs. Participation in the programs is summarized as follows: food pantry - 631 individuals served per month, a youth center operation - approximately 279 students served at an average of 56 students per evening, a tutoring program assisting approximately 28 students, a cross jr. Program that resulted in 26 students completing the program in three area locations, a power packs program with approximately 178 youths served each month with 734 total bags handed out, a christmas give away with 610 children receiving gifts, a backpack giveaway that included the distribution of 680 backpacks filled with supplies, a winter coat giveaway with 395 coats distributed, social services case management serving 3,791 individuals for the year, a transportation ministry providing 264 rides, a diaper program serving 21 families per month, a free summer lunch program that distributed 9,600 lunches for the year, a free community meal program serving 130 individuals per month, a buddy bag program distributing on average 188 bags a week, a Crossnet housing program that provided housing for 21 individuals, and a "56 program" averaging 15 kids per week.