Program areas at Cutchins Programs for Children and Families
Residential group home program - northampton center for Children and Families (nccf) is an innovative, residential group home (1:3), incorporating dialectical behavior therapy (dbt), trauma informed care, and sensory-based approaches into residential and clinical services. The programprovides care for youth ages 6-18, in small group living enviroments located on a campus based setting. Nccf collaborates with youth, Families, and caegivers to create individual therapeutic plans including: individual, family, and group therapies. Psychiatry, occupational therapy, behavioral and community based supports. Family and caregiver involvement is considered essential to the program'Programs's success, as it is also a building bridges partner program.
See schedule oeducational program - the new directions school (nds) is a chapter 766 private school licensed by the Massachusetts department of elementary and secondary education (dese). The nds provides special education to up to 30 students, some of whom are in the nccf residential program, while others attend as day students. Using an alternative approach to general education, nds provides Families with integrated resources and supports within the broader educational community, and fosters student creativity, motivation, a focus on strengths and pride in one's accomplishments. While working within the state's mandated frameworks, nds offers individualized instruction that integrates the therapeutic models of trauma informed care,dialectical behavior therapy, sensory integration, and social learning to promote each student's social and emotional skill building, educational performance and participation. The nds operates year round offering interactive academic and vocational program opportunities.
Intensive residential treatment program - the three rivers program is a clinically intensive residential treatment (cirt) program, the most intensive residential program in the state, for Children ages 6-12. Three rivers is the only cirt program in Massachusetts and is accredited by the joint commission. This program provides care that coordinates the following components: residential environment, individual, family, and group therapies, educational, psychiatric, medical, and occupational therapy services. The three rivers program is further distinguished by its exemplary commitment to the national trauma informed care initiative, is a building bridges partner program, is highly skilled in the use of sensory-based approaches, and is recognized for its performance in restraint reduction.
Outpatient clinic - the Children's clinic (cc) offers mental healthoutpatient therapy services and specializes in trauma, attachment andother mental health-related services for Children, adolescents andfamilies. The cc offers a welcoming environment to Children andfamilies experiencing a broad range of emotional and behavioralchallenges. We currently serve over 300 Children and Families fromwestern Massachusetts. The age ranges served by the cc include veryyoung Children (0-6) through adolescents. The therapeutic servicesoffered are informed by a variety of evidence-based and promisingpractices. The cc also offers a variety of family-based servicesincluding parent coaching and family therapy. In addition to theoutpatient clinic, the newest Programs offered by Cutchins programsincludes flexible support servces. The flexible support services arecommunity-based Programs offering a full team of staff that provideintensive therapeutic services in home and community environments withyouth and Families.