Program areas at Cuventures
Operationalize academic research and scientific discoveries (34% of time and 34% of resources) - Cuventures will help coordinate and translate academic research and scientific discoveries into products and processes that are useful for the betterment of humanity, with an emphasis on innovations that address unmet medical and healthcare needs for the general public. This activity will be overseen by the board of directors and undertaken by a combination of officers, directors, volunteers, and employees from Cuventures, the supported organization, and concordia university. This activity supports Cuventures charitable and scientific exempt purposes by furthering scientific knowledge and helping develop products and processes that serve the greater public good, including improving human health through innovative, interdisciplinary biomedical and mentoring (33% of time and 33% of resources) - Cuventures will provide mentoring and educational programs on entrepreneurship, in partnership with concordia university, with a focus on the students and faculty of concordia university. These mentoring and educational programs will help teach students, faculty, and others about entrepreneurship and how to translate academic research and scientific discoveries into products and processes that better humanity, such as biomedical discoveries that improve medical and healthcare outcomes for the general public. This activity will be overseen by the board of directors and undertaken by a combination of officers, directors, volunteers, and employees from cu ventures, the supported organization, and concordia university. This activity supports cu ventures' educational and scientific exempt purposes by furtheringpractical knowledge how to operationalize scientific discoveries and engage in entrepreneurship among faculty and students at concordia incubator activities (33% of time and 33% of resources) - Cuventures will provide seed funding and other types of assistance to certain entrepreneurs with a focus on assisting with the commercialization of academic discoveries and scientific research from students and faculty of concordia university. This activity may include the provision of equity investments, low-interest loans, facilities, equipment, and administrative services,to new and emerging businesses. In addition to furthering and enhancing the education of concordia university students in entrepreneurship and supporting the scientific research of concordia university faculty, this activity will foster economic development in the milwaukee area. Portions of milwaukee have long been an economically depressed and blighted area with poverty rates that are approximately twice the national average.substantially higher poverty rates are observed in the area among the area's african-american, hispanic, and other minority communities. This business incubator activity will be overseen by the board of directors and undertaken by a combination of officers, directors, volunteers, and employees from Cuventures, the supported organization, and concordia university. This business incubator activity supports cuventure'Cuventures's educational and scientificmission by assisting with the teaching of entrepreneurship and scientific research skills to concordia university students and faculty in a practical, hands-on manner that is not possible without real world experience and supports cu venture's charitable mission by supporting economic development in depressed and blighted areas.