Program areas at Dallas Center for Photography
Our specially curated mix of in-person and virtual photography education classes, workshops, and one-on-one tutoring sessions were offered in the Dallas community and beyond. Technical photography classes help enhance basic to advanced skills, such as understanding exposure, focus, and metering. Creative photography classes help instill intentional composition skills that lead to more balanced and compelling photos. In 2023, we had 326 unique students participate in 41 classes and workshops. For private tutoring, our instructors provided over 50 hours to 32 individuals seeking more personalized instruction to learn more about photography.
DCP launched its "Roots of Photography:" outreach program in 2022. These field trips to DCP helped North Texas' under-resourced middle and high school youth to better understand and critically analyze photography and its history, while experiencing a walk-in camera obscura, darkroom demos, and a guided tour of the current exhibition in DCP's Community Gallery. In the 2022-2023 school year, we served 199 students with this program in 8 field trips. Our 2000 square foot DCP gallery was the only nonprofit exhibition space dedicated to showcasing photography in the region. The gallery was free and open to the public. Exhibitions highlighted the work of our various community partners and groups, along with single-artist shows and juried competitions that displayed the diversity of talent in our region. DCP exhibited 4 gallery shows in 2023 with an opening reception for each show. Over 677 visitors came to the gallery in 2023. DCP also hosted 2 panel discussions by local and national photographers attended by a total of 69 people. In 2023, DCP offered photography workshops and activities free of charge to our community partners, like Klyde Warren Park and Booker T. Washington High School. Approximately 99 attendees participated in these community programs.
DCP was founded on the belief that people with an interest in photography need a place to call home. Becoming a member of DCP supported our programs, connected members to the local photographic community, and offered benefits like discounts on DCP classes, the opportunity to be listed in the DCP member directory with a link to their personal website, access to exclusive members-only events, and the opportunity to exhibit work in our gallery in the member-only competition and exhibition. Other benefits included free tickets to all DCP events, discounts on products from our corporate partners, private portfolio reviews, and a one-on-one tutoring session. In 2023, we had an engaged community of 190 members by the end of July.