Program areas at Death Penalty Focus
Education and social media outreachdpf delivers facts, videos, opinions and information about criminal justice and the injustice of the Death Penalty. Dpf promotes fact-based news, announces abolition-based events, and educational opportunities for students, civil rights workers, and community organizations through a monthly newsletter, blogs, and frequent emails. We have increased our online communications, thereby extending the reach and impact of our messaging.dpf invited anti-death Penalty advocates - district attorneys, innocent women who had been sentenced to Death and later freed, murder victim family members, scholars, and religious leaders - to participate in a series of educational webinars offered without charge to the general public. The topics covered different perspectives on the Death Penalty, injustice and overall criminal justice issues.
Additional projectsdpf publishes reports of exoneration, miscarriage of justice, scheduled executions, and injustice. Dpf maintains a website that provides information about the Death Penalty and our work toward abolition. Dpf offers prominent spokespeople to answer requests from the media and public and submits amicus briefs for relevant court cases.dpf also maintains a website ( that providesinformation about the Death Penalty and their work to end it.
Moving forward toward Death Penalty abolitiondeath Penalty Focus plays a leadership role in the abolition of the Death Penalty in California. In collaboration with the California anti-death Penalty coalition, the californians for peace and justice, american civil liberities union, the catholic mobilizing network, league of women voters, the 8th amendment project, ejusa and many California faith-based organizations, dpf develops abolition policy and messaging. Dpf makes connections in the California legislature, identifies legislative leaders against the Death Penalty, plans for outreach to senate and assembly districts affected most by the Death Penalty.