Program areas at Republic Affairs Innovate for Democracy Lyceum Labs
The Democracy innovation fund (dif) incubates and accelerates pro-democracy infrastructure on the center-right. Dif grants to nascent organizations to put these organizations on a path to independent growth and sustainability.
Pillars of the community (potc) is a nonpartisan, civil society mobilization program that seeks to bolster community support for the work of local and state election officials, and build trust among americans about the election administration process. Potc hosted virtual and in-person discussions with community leaders and those who administer elections at the local level.
The Lyceum Labs project undertook four main activities in 2023. (1) forming the leading to govern network. The biggest and most important milestone in 2023 was enlisting six other 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations who share Lyceum Labs' goals and values with respect to revitalizing political leadership. These partners include the center for effective lawmaking, the future caucus, the new deal forum, and the new politics leadership academy, the rainey center's lamp network, and the levin center for oversight and Democracy at wayne law school. We engaged these partner organizations to identify how and where a "field catalyst organization like Lyceum Labs could support needs they have in common. We also solicited and incorporated these partners' input into plans for a convening we hosted in early 2024. (2) helping plan and facilitate the "more parties, better parties" conference. Lyceum Labs co-hosted this conference at stanford university in april 2023 with partners from new america, protect Democracy, the center for ballot freedom, and stanford university. We convened more than two dozen scholars and practitioners to explore (a) the challenges presented by america's two-party system and (b) how to overcome them through electoral reforms like fusion voting and proportional representation. (3) writing and publishing articles on parties and party systems. In 2023 Lyceum Labs executive director daniel stid wrote and published two essays on improving party politics in leading journals focused on Democracy reform. These publications included "a madisonian party system" in the fall 2023 issue of national Affairs, and "finally, moderate republicans will have a say" in the fall 2023 issue of Democracy: a journal of ideas. (4) conducting research for a forthcoming outreach campaign. Throughout 2023, emily cherniack of the new politics leadership academy and daniel stid conducted in-depth field interviews with a dozen local and state elected officials. These interviews marked the initial phase of a two-year research project that will inform and inspire millennial and gen z americans who have leadership potential but right now see politics as the last place they can make a difference. By sharing compelling examples and vignettes of politicians leading with integrity and solving problems in innovative ways, we plan to encourage more leaders to run for office and contribute to public life. We also want to highlight the underappreciated work our network partners are doing behind the scenes to support these up-and-coming leaders on a 501(c)3 basis."
The presidential reform project (prp) is a non-partisan project dedicated to analysis of the manifold gaps, ambiguities, and weaknesses in the laws and norms governing the contemporary presidency, and to the pathways to reform. Prp ran communications campaigns and published original writings about the importance of executive reform issues.the Institute continued its efforts to assemble pro-democracy voices in an effort to educate the public about the essential function and value of american Democracy and to encourage innovative thinking about how to solve the emerging challenges facing america.