Program areas at Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
Adopt Ranked Choice Voting Purpose: Ranked Choice Voting allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, and then uses those rankings to elect candidates who best represent their community. Voters rank candidates in order of choice, knowing that ranking others will not hurt the chances of their favorite candidate. Rank choice voting can help slow the negative culture we see so often in campaigns and provide better representation. Outcome: We created reports, held in person and virtual townhalls in targeted states, and earned media. We conducted virtual education workshops and supported online advocacy including petition signing and writing letters to specific targeted state legislatures.
Expand Vote by Mail Purpose: Allowing more people to vote from the safety and convenience of their own home through the mail is absolutely critical in the fight for voting rights. Compared with in-person voting, voting by mail creates better-informed voters by allowing voters more time to consider their votes, increasing down-ballot engagement. It also reduces the cost of recruiting, training and protecting poll workers. And perhaps the most important reason is it protects voters from voter suppression tactics like polling place intimidation, under staffing or not enough working voting machines at a specific polling location, and more. Outcome: We conducted online advocacy including petition signing and writing letters to specific targeted members of the United States Congress, state legislators, and Governors. We earned media and distributed coalition sign-on letters for the program
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Purpose: Nearly 65 million U.S. citizens live in the 100 largest cities in the country. Thanks to the Electoral College, which allots Electoral Votes to states unevenly, citizens' votes count less than one person, one vote. But there is a way we can change this, without a constitutional amendment. It's called the National Popular Vote (NPV) Interstate Compact, and every state that joins the compact casts all of their votes for the candidate who wins the national popular vote. It will only go into effect when enough states join the compact to meet or exceed the 270 Electoral Votes needed to win Outcome: We engaged in online advocacy including petition signing and writing letters to specific targeted members of the United States Congress, state legislators, and Governors. We earned media and created coalition sign-on letters for the program.