Program areas at Denney House
TDH Transitional Housing Program The goal of the program is to promote independent living for eligible participants. We serve returning citizens, women fleeing domestic violence,veterans and LGBTQ and transitional aged youth who are over 18. In 2023 we provided transitional housing for 21 eligible partici- pants and transitioned 2 program graduates into permanent housing. Support services provided:Long-term residency, case management, personal development, behavioral and mental health services, life skills, work readiness training, financial literacy, spiritual growth, and after-care to support self-suffiecency.
Project Clean Water This program creates opportunities for youth and their families to give back to the communities in which they live through environmental stewardship opportunities and community gardens. Youth and their families participated in the Prince George's County "Growing Green with Pride" bi-annual community beautification events. Camp Springs Civic Association monthly community clean-ups, and monthly GREEN team workshop. 8 events, 0ver 400 participants, 200 bags of trash removed from streets and streams in the community.
TDH Works Workforce Development The program gives hands-on training and development of soft skills necessary to gain and maintain work, as well as to expose participants to otherwise unknown career fields. In 2023 we trained 9 returning citizens, in Landscape Management and Heavy Equipment Operation. These participants received on the job training and certification in OCHA 10 for construction, Landscape Management,and Heavy Equipment Opertion. We also provided 19,12 - 18 year old students from Prince George's County Problem Solving Courts, with soft skills and work readiness training.