Program areas at DMAI
Meetings & education:certified destination management executive (cdme) is the industry's highest individual educational achievement. The program focuses on vision, leadership, productivity and implementing business strategies. In 2023, 41 individuals completed the required course work and achieved their cdme designation. There were 114 new cdme candidates in 2023. To date, over 450 individuals have completed the cdme 2023 Destinations International offered face-to-face events. Over 35 industry webinars were offered in 2023. The 2023 annual convention returned to a face-to-face event with over 1,595 attendees. Eight face-to-face summits were designed to provide destination members with the opportunity to learn more about specific trends and issues through peer-to-peer networking and learning. The summits were attended by approximately 3,474 destination professionals. Subjects covered included ceo, cmo, membership, sales & services, visitor services, business operations, social inclusion and advocacy. In 2023, Destinations International continued the professional in destination management (pdm) certificate program online. 316 individuals registered for the program in 2023. Since the pdm program's relaunch online in march 2021, 700+ individuals have registered for the program.launched the intellectual capital (ic) certificate program. The program caters to destination sales and services professionals at all career stages. This program provides participants with vital knowledge and practical skills to effectively utilize the community's infrastructure and economic resources, human and social connections, as well as cultural and creative assets. These capabilities directly contribute to the success of incoming business events and the ongoing growth of the local community. The program empowers learners to establish their destination as a knowledge center, fostering collaboration, creativity, and success in the sales and services cycle. Upon completion of the course, learners will possess a comprehensive grasp of identifying, mobilizing, and leveraging available resources to enhance event experiences, drive innovation, and create lasting impacts for event planners and communities. The program rolled out in q4 and 16 professionals have signed up for the certificate program.
Products & services:the event impact calculator measures the economic value of an event and calculates its return on investment to local taxes. There are four distinct modules: meetings, sports, festivals & cultural events and local & public events. With more than 345 destination organizations using the tool in over 12 countries, the event impact calculator has been established as an industry standard with over 158,613 events analyzed in 2023. In addition, we have industry collaborations with sportseta and iavm so their members can subscribe to the tool. 7 statewide models and 7 provincial models are currently in use.destinationnext is a strategic planning tool that provides destination organizations with practical actions and strategies for sustainable success in a dramatically changing world. Over 374 Destinations have utilized destinationnext to strategically assess their Destinations. 35 assessments were completed in 2023.the globally recognized destination marketing accreditation program (dmap) serves as a visible industry distinction that defines quality and performance standards in destination marketing and management. Achieving dmap accreditation positions a destination organization or cvb as a valued and respected organization in local communities and increases credibility among stakeholders. Since 2006, the destination marketing accreditation program board of directors has accredited more than 230 organizations with more than 198 organizations currently registered. In 2023, 7 organizations completed the accreditation process and received their dmap designation.the canadian destination leadership council in partnership with tourism industry Association of canada (tiac), this council was created for destination organization executives to meet throughout the year to coordinate on key industry issues including advocacy, resourcing, policy, and marketing. The canadian membership increased from 56 to 66 organizations in 2023.developed and implemented the Destinations International european pathfinders programme. The pathfinders represent 25 european destination leaders and will serve as an advisory group, collaborating to identify key opportunities to create value for european destination organizations.the edi assessment tool is the newest destination tool now available for destination organization members globally. After inputting their data into the interactive platform, the assessment allows Destinations to not only view best practices across the industry, but also pull comparative reports to see how their edi practices scale against a comparable set of industry peers. Over 200 Destinations completed the assessment in 2023.
Communications:in 2023, Destinations International's online community had 6,991 logins, 800 posts, and 390 discussion threads. In 2023, we served 7500+ destination professionals, 727 member organizations and 180 business members and partners. Our website,, had over 414,236 visits and over 648,187-page views.
Research & advocacy, membership & development