Program areas at Destiny Rescue USA
Rescue kids and keep them free: in 2023, Destiny Rescue agents and partner organizations rescued 3,352 victims across ten countries, 53%being childrenan average of nine rescues per day 2,098 survivors received services through individualized freedom plans, including things like housing, health needs, economic assistance, counseling and education. As of december 2023, for all-time totals, we rescued over 14,680 individuals, arrested 828 trafficking perpetrators in collaboration with law enforcement and shut down 28 sex establishments.
Sponsorships consist of the costs associated with promoting and securing support from donors for children within Destiny Rescue and partner organization's care. Donors pledge monetary support for the care and living expenses of the children enrolled in freedom plans in east asia and the pacific, south asia and sub-saharan africa.
Empower people to Rescue kids: Destiny Rescue seeks to inspire and equip organizations, churches and individuals to Rescue kids and keep them free. In addition, we aim to educate on human trafficking for individual and communal awareness and safety. Programs include: rescueop1/20 - educating students and empowering them to combat the crisis of child sex trafficking, advocacy - volunteers using their gifts and talents to raise funds and awareness, Rescue sunday - equipping churches to educate on human trafficking and help Rescue kids, and artist speaker program - utilizing the voices of well- known public figures to spread awareness and inspire Rescue.