Program areas at Development and Literacy Partners International
Bible translation, literacy, and related mobilization and discipleship activities - Pioneer Bible consists of 681 teammates worldwide ministering to 190 million people in 126 different language projects in 31 countries. During 2023, we increased the number of active language projects from 115 to 126. We drafted 43,577 verses of Scripture, exegetically checked 40,926 and published 31,330 verses for the first time. We continued building a new capacity for sign language translation worldwide. Finally, we note that in the 47-year history of Pioneer Bible, our teams have drafted about 1,044,137 verses of the Bible, the equivalent number of verses as 131 New Testaments-more than 5 of which were drafted in 2023. We have published 5 complete Bibles and 24 New Testaments.
Missionary Care -Pioneer Bible Translators values a culture of care to provide for our expatriate and national coworkers encouragement and holistic nurturing that leads to physical, spiritual, social, mental, professional, and emotional well-being.In 2023, the Care Department provideddozens of re-entry contacts and confidential care debriefings for our coworkers in their normal rhythms of travel to and from the field. Additional Care Team services were provided through therapy and age-appropriate debriefing, including crisis debriefing, for teammates.In addition to daily prayer activities, the Care Team mobilized prayer through thousands of emails, social media exchanges, and teleconferences. Additionally, the Care Team facilitated webinars and small groups addressing a variety of themes and topics.The Care Department led monthly Prayer and Fasting events, 2 Parent seminars, two weeks total of training for over 50 people in care practices, two Send-off Celebrations, and two Worldwide Care Team Meetings. Countless youth activities, healing prayer, counseling services, and trauma care services were also provided.
Recruitment-Recruiting new missionaries is key to the mission of Pioneer Bible Translators. The organization had 27 new missionary recruits, held 65 in person recruiting events. Through these events around 2,000+ people became familiar with the ministry of Pioneer Bible Translators. Around 83 of these are serious inquirers. Training - Training new and current missionaries is an integral part of Pioneer Bible's mission. In 2023, personal and professional coaching was provided to at least 128 individuals preparing for cross-cultural work. A program practicum and planning course was offered in both the fall and the spring, and weekly chapel services were conducted throughout the year. 6workshops and seminars were also provided, training over 17 people during the year. Ongoing training activities continued daily with new representatives and associates. In 2023, 22 missionaries completed training and began their first assignment.