Program areas at DiabetesSisters
General Education & Support, including Educational Library and PODS meetups - Various programs such as webinars and e-newsletters, to enhance the overall experience of members by enriching them with information on how to better manage diabetes. In 2022, the organization's website had over 550,000 visitors and nearly 50,000 online followers. The monthly e-newsletter boasted a subscriber list of over 14,500 readers. Additionally, the organization's online Educational Library hosts a series of educational materials for women living with diabetes. The PODS meetups are a national signature program of the organization. Meeting monthly in over 25 locations throughout the US, these meetups provide a safe, nonjudgmental environment for women with diabetes to focus on their health. Led by women with diabetes, the meetup program offers peer to peer support as well as educational topics for discussion. In 2022, this program served 2,500 women.
Welcoming Diversity, Elevating Voices (former name Minority Initiative Program) - Education and support of minority women living with diabetes. Progamming is conducted in both English and Spanish, with appropriate educational materials. Over 100,000 women have been served in this program since it went to a virtual platform in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and continued to do so in 2022.
Leadership Institute - This program is to support current key volunteers, and provide them with tools and training to lead successful support meetings throughout the country. In 2022, the Institute welcomed 42 volunteer leaders to the in-person (Chicago) and virtual institutes, including new patient advocates.