Program areas at Dietert Center
Nutrition services- provided more than 86,352 meals to the elderly, available on a donation only basis to those age 60 or older. Delivered over 66,168 "meals on wheels" to frail home-bound seniors, and served more than 20,184 hot lunches in main dining room.
Club ed, activities and travel- provided 2,300 recreational, educational or wellness activities, serving more than 3,714 participants. The Center is a volunteer driver organization that helps men and women maintain active, independent lives in their later years.
Community service programs- helped maintain seniors in their homes through over 1,433 information and referral interactions; installed and serviced over 300 emergency response devices; provided 875 hours of respite for family caregivers, and lent 1,388 pieces if medical equipment; answered 6,024 calls from senors living alone with our call reassurance program; and provided information, assistance, and referrals for 1,468 community members regarding aging and dementia related concerns.
More than 32,164 volunteer hours were contributed in 2023. These hours were given to deliver meals, to help in the dining room or in the travel office, to entertain, to educate, to raise funds or to produce items for sale.