Program areas at Dirt Palace Public Projects
Dirt Palace Public Projects runs an artist residency program at 14 olneyville square in providence. Dirt Palace classic residencies offer artists affordable live/work studio space with access to our media based facilities - printshop, wood shop, sculpture studio, music/performance practice space. Resident artists pay rents and perform about 20 hours per month in studio management duties in exchange for a minimum 1 year artist residency. 6 artists participated in this program in 2023.
In 2020 Dirt Palace Public Projects partnered with providence college galleries to launch the interlace grant fund, a re-granting program supported by the andy warhol foundation. In 2023 interlace awarded $10,050 in emergency relief grants to 40 providence area artists. Interlace also continued its project grant fund, which awarded 9, $6000 artist project grants for a total of $54,000. Interlace also received funds from the city of providence's art culture and tourism department to award grants to providence area teaching artists of indigenous and/or african descent who lost income during the pandemic. 58 teaching artists were awarded between $1,000-$2,000 for a total of $77,000.
Dirt Palace Public Projects facilitates its wedding cake house residencies program at 514 broadway. This program offers project based residencies with a focus on midcareer artists. Residencies give artists the space and time to work on Projects. Each residency has a Public component. There are no fees for artists to attend and some meals are covered. In 2023, one of these residencies was focused on artists who are parents and their children. This program hosted 45 artists and 7 youth and the Public components showcased their work to 200 audience members.
Dirt Palace Public Projects facilitates exhibitions at the wedding cake house (wch), located at 514 broadway, which are accessible via Public events and tours. In 2023, with support from rhode island commerce, we commissioned 3 artists to create Public sculpture on the grounds of 514 broadway that are viewable from the street and on the grounds. We also commissioned a local crafts person to create a sculptural sign that displays rotating poetry to the bus stop. We commissioned 4 poets to curate poetry on the sign in 2023.
Dirt Palace Public Projects facilitates the storefront window gallery located at 14 olneyville square, providence. The storefront window gallery is a Public art exhibition space with a monthly rotation of artist installations. 8 artists exhibited in the gallery in 2023. The exhibition is visible to the general Public in olneyville square 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In conjunction with each art installation, we produced an interview with the artist for our blog.
Dirt Palace Public operated its wedding cake house bnb audience program which allows travelers to connect with artists and exhibitions through short term rentals at 514 broadway.
Dirt Palace Public Projects facilitates the print shop at 14 olneyville square. The print shop includes screen print and letterpress facilities. The shop is run in collaboration with the Dirt Palace collaborative. Members of the collaborative have free access to the shop. Outside artists pay a fee to use the print shop.