Program areas at Disability Network Wayne County Detroit
Disability Network Wayne County - Detroit has accomplished the following 1. Jamie junior was selected to receive our 2023 "persons with disabilities civil rights act advocacy award". The award will be preseneted at our Michigan civil rights commission 60th anniversay breakfast receeption on wednesday, december 13, 2023, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The event is being held in heritage hall (capital visitor's cener) 323 w. ottawa st., lansing, mi 48933. 2. Accessible recreation project with the city of dearborn, Michigan, to build an inclusive park. 3. Disability day at the ymca at the boll ymca in Detroit Michigan. 4. Digital lyft grant award to purchase grant hub software for the development department. 5. 33rd anniversary of the ada program with ada grant to celebrate this annual event with over 150 seniors and persons with disabilities. 6. Food delivery partnership with gleaners food bank to deliver over 600 food boxes to seniors in the Wayne County area. 7. Thanksgiving program that served over 75 people with thanksgiving food and special programs. 8.toy giveaway program partnering with the highland park fire department and served over 136 families and provided toys and gifts for over 402 children. 9. Partnering with university of Michigan professor matthew j. smith of the employment skills simulation lab with an autism study for interviewing skills. 10. Partner with accessibe software to install accessible software on websites and become affiliate for accessibe to solicit other organizations to install accessible plugin for hearing and seeing impaired individuals. 11. City of Detroit living green program award of 68,905.00 to service 153 seniors for fiscal year with three 10-week programs for those seniors who are Detroit residents. grant survey sent out to public to survey on inclusive garden project part of the grow Detroit green program to determine level of engagement and public support to fund this inclusive garden experience for people with disabilities. 13. Pay it forward grant awardee from the united way to fund operating expenses. 14. Partnered with lashawnda williams, population, patient, physician & professionalism course coordinator, Wayne state university school of medicine - at a wsu panel where we shared personal stories and experiences of either having a Disability or caring for a loved one who has a Disability; describe the resilience of your family; emphasize the need for healthcare providers to be informed about healthcare delivery for people with disabilities; point out the barriers and challenges you've faced regarding accessing needed community services and resources. 15. Partnered with city of Detroit on the Detroit taxpayer resource fair - where residents can get information about available resources about current year tax bill questions; apply for a treasury clearance; lifeline plan; clearances; information and referral services; delinquent tax questions; ser-metro; blight tickets; hope program; kiosk education. 16. Aging and Disability vaccination collaborative vaccine and flu grant award is 114,062.50 that funds a vaccine and flu clinic for a minimum of 5,000 vaccine/flu shots for persons within our constituency. 17. Partnered with city of Detroit, growing Detroit's young talent program to train and hire five (5) young adults 18- 26 years in various employment roles within the disciplines of health, media, culinary, office and gardening for a 9-week paid internship. 18. Partnered with united way volunteer program - the united way volunteer portal may be used to total income (item 1.1.4) minus amount paid out to consumers (item 1.1.5) = net operating resources 1,996,542.18 recruit volunteers for in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities in or serving Wayne, oakland, and macomb counties, as well as in-kind donation needs. Opportunities may be ongoing, open volunteer needs, or for specific programs or evenets. 19. Working with articulate software to develop six new training modules for the following courses: implicit bias towards people with disabilities; Disability etiquette; ada; albeisn; unconscious bias; Disability inclusion. 20. Planned service provider training with ami gueye, cpa, mba manager of the Detroit area agency on aging. 21.lori hill and Disability Network Wayne County Detroit named as diversity awards congratulations on being a 2023 winner we will be having an award ceremony and conference full of networking, informative panel discussions, and celebration with everything business corp 22. Partnered with usaging's "you've got this" campaign encourages older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers and families to stay healthy by getting vaccinated. The campaign supports the aging and Disability vaccination collaborative (advc) and unifies communication across all media and channels. 23. Partnered with betsy smith, vice-president and micafe Network stakeholder and Network partners manager, elder law of Michigan to provide training for the micafe program and launch the service during outreach events with staff. 24. Town hall to inform the public on and launch the dnwcd vaccine clinic for seniors and those with disabilities in the County of Wayne. 25. Transportation services to residents of Wayne County to assist in travel for medical appointments, vaccines, recreation and other important events including our tax clinic and vaccine clinic. 26. Partnered with osborn high school to provide pre-employment services to their disabled student population that includes resume writing, job seeking and job etiquette training. 27. Featherstone gardens - facilitated senior saturdays entitled "s.u.n. Gardens seniors understanding nutrition" at the urban garden facility, located in Detroit, mi., whereas over 183 seniors participated in training in urban gardening, healthy eating habits and nutrition awareness. 28. Town hall event - collaborated to facilitate and publish multiple videos on social media and zoom on: overview of the ada and basic reights; housing and the ada versus fair housing amendments act; focus on architectural access, non-discrimination based on Disability; service animals and emotional support animals, across ada, fha and transportation; how to file complaints and options for trying to resolve disputes; p&as, federal agencies, using state or local laws, negotiate with over/managers. Etc. 29. "cash app a dollar" - we have designed a "living green" funding campaign that includes a web based online fundraiser that is entitled cashapp 1.00 to dnwcd this program raises money for the cultivation and procurement of fresh food from the garden. In addition, we have coupled this program with a "become a garden sponsor" that requests donors to match the cashapp a dollar proceeds, dollar-for- dollar. The become a garden sponsor program is aimed toward corporation and individual donors starting at 1,500.00 per donation. The funds assigned to this program will provide fresh food for a 12-month period that costs approximately 105,000.00 to procure the garden vegetable and fruit for this delivery program. Https:// 30. White cane week - we honored white cane week with a living and learning activity - white cane week was a virtual event with the exception of living and learning day. Disability Network transported 5-6 blind consumers to our apartment in southgate to participate in cooking, laundry and housekeeping chore activities to promote independent living for our blind population. 31. National rheumatoid arthritis day, rheumatoid arthritis webinar form arthritis foundation on vimeo. The video is available for your viewing pleasure at Check out "covid & arthritis: vaccine safety, effectiveness and access" from arthritis foundation on vimeo. The video is abailable Hosted this informative event and performed outreach to our consumers to invite them to participate and engage in this activity. 32. Living green program launch - disabilty Network Wayne County Detroit will provide a "living green" program for seniors and people with disabilities. This comprehensive wellness program will help our participants build healthy lifestyles that include eating balanced diets, being physically acitve, engaging in stress-reducing activities, and preventing specific health problems. Adults with disabilities are at risk for secondary health conditions, including pressure sores, chronic pain, fatigue, isolation, depression, and others. Healthy habits can prevent many secondary conditions and poeple with healthy lifestyles usually feel better. 33. Ask the treasurer, hosted by the Wayne County treasurer scheduled for every wednesday at 6 p.m. during the month of march, starting wednesday, march 2. We participated in this event and performed outreach to our consumers to inform them of this event. 34. Secretary of state - mobile office visit at Detroit Network Wayne County on june 30,2022. The mobile office wi