Program areas at Disability Rights New Jersey A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation
Protection and advocacy for persons with developmental disabilities (padd)- the program was established to protect the legal and civil Rights of individuals with developmental disabilities.
Assistive technology advocacy center (atac)-atac provides assistance to persons with disabilities to obtain assistive technology devices and/or services.
Protection and advocacy for individuals with mental illness (paimi)-the program was established to protect and advocate for the Rights of persons with mental illness.
Protection and advocacy for voter access (pava)-the pava program ensures that every qualified person with A Disability has the opportunity to vote on election day
The protection and advocacy for beneficiaries of social security (pabss)- the program was established to provide education and training about employment and social security work incentives, and provides work incentive assistance to ssdi and ssi beneficiaries seeking vocational rehabilitation, employment and other support services to secure, retain or regain employment.
Protection and advocacy for assistive technology (paat)-the program provides legal and non-legal advocacy services for individuals with disabilities who are denied access to assistive technology devices and/or assistive technology services.
Client assistance program (cap)-the program was established to advocate for and protect the Rights of individuals with disabilities who are seeking or receiving rehabilitation services.
Protection and advocacy for individuals with traumatic brain injury (patbi)-the program ensures that individuals with tbi and their families have access to: information, referrals and advice; individual and family advocacy; legal representation; and specific assistance in self-advocacy.
Protection and advocacy for beneficiaries with representative payees(pabrp)-the pabrp program is A federally funded program that was established under the strengthening protections for social security beneficiaries act of 2018. The act authorizes the social security administration (ssa) to fund each state's protection and advocacy system to conduct reviews of representative payees under the supplemental security income (ssi) program and the old age, survivors and Disability insurance (oasdi).
Iolta and other program services to support the organization's mission.
Protection and avocacy for individual Rights (pair)-the program was established to protect and advocate for the legal and human Rights of persons with disabilities who are not eligble for other federally funded protection and advocacy programs.