Program areas at DisabilityIN North Carolina
Communability:di-nc mentoring-our mentoring programs match Business mentors to students or young adults with disabilities for mentoring sessions to foster relationship, Leadership skills, and opportunities to source emerging talent while mentees are in high school, technical training, or college. In 2022 we expanded this program to hbcus across nc.
Healthy blue -through the outreach activities outlined, this initiative will reduce the stigma of mental health conditions and other disabilities, expand disability disclosure efforts, and encourage businesses throughout the state to hire more individuals with other disabilities. Partnering with nc| healthy blue leverages the opportunity to build more inclusive apprenticeships as well as encourage the expansion of existing apprenticeship programs to include people with disabilities. Through this program employers throughout the state to increase their inclusion of employees with disabilities in the workforce by providing education, training, and technical assistance to employers via webinars, podcasts and a conference training event open to state-wide participants. In 2023, participated in two conference presentations and formed a consortium including 12 Business leaders and supporters of employment for people with disabilities.
Star/pre-ets - pre-employment transition services (pre-ets) are a set of activities defined by the federal workforce innovation and opportunity act (wioa) of 2014 (public law 113-128) intended to expose students with disabilities at an early age to self-advocacy, postsecondary training, and employment skills and options.exceptional children's assistance center (ecac) in partnership with disability:iDisabilityinin North Carolina launched the student transition assistance resources program (stars) on october 1, 2022. The star program offers pre-ets training services including 1) job and career exploration, 2) self-advocacy training and 3) work readiness training (101 & 201). The star program of services is provided during the school day, as an after- school program and a summer program that operates on a virtual platform. Virtual courses are delivered statewide to students across North Carolina. Star program serves students who attend public schools, charter schools, private schools, and home schools. While offered to students across the state, priority is given to serving students who live in counties where there are no pre-ets programs available. In 2023 the star program served 85 students.
Other programs which include memberships/sponsors, events, communability di-nc consulting and disability in national conference.